Juvenile (under 18)
Consent to Search and Seize: Evaluating an Innovative Youth Firearm Suppression Program
Crime Prevention-International Experiences
Reintegrating Juvenile Offenders Into the Community: OJJDP's Intensive Community-Based Aftercare Demonstration Program
What Does Geography Have To Do With It? A Descriptive Analysis of Troublesome Youth in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Germany, and the Netherlands
Examination of the Differential Effects of the Modern Epidemiological Transition on Cranial Morphology in the United States and Portugal
National Assessment of Criminal Court Use of Defendants' Juvenile Adjudication Records
Applying the Principles of Effective Intervention: The Results of a Process Evaluation of a Juvenile Correctional Center
Classroom in Your Home Room
Evaluation of the Peer to Peer (P2P) Challenging Extremism Initiative
Juvenile Justice Reforms in Kentucky: Evaluation Findings and Lessons Learned
Addressing Youth Violence and Victimization From an Environmental Perspective: A Resource Guide for Practitioners
Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2017
Juvenile Court Statistics, 2018
Optimizing Risk & Needs Assessments for State & Local Jurisdictions - NIJ Juvenile Justice Research
Importance of Risk Assessments to Positive Outcomes for Youth - Juvenile Justice Research Spotlight
Implementing Risk and Needs Assessment - NIJ Juvenile Justice Research Spotlight
Optimizing Risk & Needs Assessments for State & Local Jurisdictions - NIJ Juvenile Justice Research
Dr. Hamilton discusses his research on risk assessment, needs assessment, and responsivity, examining how the interaction between adults' and juveniles' predictors impact their likelihood of recidivism — and the programming and services that are provided for each.
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Implementing Risk and Needs Assessment - NIJ Juvenile Justice Research Spotlight
Dr. Sullivan discusses his research to understand implementation procedures and practice in the juvenile justice system that facilitate adoption of these tools and their appropriate use.
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Importance of Risk Assessments to Positive Outcomes for Youth - Juvenile Justice Research Spotlight
Dr. Vincent discusses her research on how risk assessment and risk need responsivity affect change in how we handle individuals in the justice system.
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