This application proposes a supplement to support the eight year of the ABCD-Social Development Study (ABCD-SD). ABCD-SD is a prospective study on adolescent delinquency and victimization. ABCD-SD is a sub study of the Adolescent Behavior and Cognition Development Study (ABCD), utilizing the extensive ABCD data on cognitive and brain development while adding measures on delinquency and victimization risks and outcomes for participants at 5 of the 21 ABCD sites (n=2,426). The aim of ABCD-SD is to advance the understanding of the influences of variations of and maturational delays in cognitive and brain development, substance use exposure, and pre-exposure phenotypes on delinquency trajectories and responses to victimization. This knowledge is crucial to informing policymakers and prevention science to decrease the number of juveniles in the juvenile or criminal justice system. ABCD-SD is collecting data from 5 ABCD sites, involving a total of 2426 participants, who were on average 11.7 years old at their first ABCD-SD assessment visit. Interviews and questionnaires will be collected from participants and their caregivers at annual visits. The ABCD-SD assessments measure a wide array of risks, protective factors and outcomes, including self-reported delinquency, victimization, personality dispositions, sociopsychological characteristics, family relationships, peer delinquency and neighborhood factors. The activities of Year 8 will include participant recruitment and tracking, follow-up assessments (Wave 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8), quality control, reliability and validity checks, implementation fidelity, and cleaning of data. In Year 8, baseline and follow up data will be available for analyses and will be conducted together with integrated ABCD data. We will prepare biannual performance reports to NIJ describing the study progress and one or more scientific publications based on these data. NCA/NCF