Current Concepts: Body Farm and Benefits to Law Enforcement
George Mason University and the National Association of Attorneys General presents the National Center on Forensics Continued Training Plan to provide additional training sessions for more advanced information on the topics covered in the conference.
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DNA Mixtures
George Mason University and the National Association of Attorneys General presents the National Center on Forensics Continued Training Plan
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Current Concepts: Key Forensic Cases and Common Pitfalls to Avoid
This training is presented by the National Center on Forensics and will give the students a forecast of possible upcoming issues in the forensic sciences.
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Advanced Forensic Genetic Genealogy
George Mason University and the National Association of Attorneys General presents the National Center on Forensics Continued Training Plan to provide additional training sessions for more advanced information on the topics covered in the conference. In this training session, Dr. Mark Wilson will discuss how DNA is used to generate data for use in FGG.
This event was hosted by the National Center on Forensics under an award from the National Institute of Justice.
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How and When to Deal with the Media: Do's and Don’ts
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics conference at George Mason University on August 10th, 2023. In this session, Former Chief Medical Examiner of New York Barbara Sampson explores communication skills to utilize as Medical Examiner/Coroner when addressing the media.
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Impression Session: Firearms and Toolmarks
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics Conference at George Mason University on August 10th, 2023. In this session, NIST Senior Forensic Science Research Manager Rob Thompson and FBI Supervisory Physical Scientist/Forensic Examiner Michelle Machalka introduce the concepts of firearm and fingerprint impressions.
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Digital Evidence 101
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Statistics 101
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics conference at George Mason University on August 9th, 2023. It is common for statistics to be used to contextualize the significance of evidence in a court of law. However, these statistics can be difficult to decipher without proper instruction. In this session, pathologist Dr. Dan Milner breaks down common uses of statistics in an easily-digestible way in order to elevate viewer’s understanding.
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Crime Scene Analysis
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Pathologists’ Assistants in Forensics
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Coroner Liaison
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Advanced Crime Scene Analysis
George Mason University and the National Association of Attorneys General presents the National Center on Forensics Continued Training Plan
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Use of Canines to Solve Crime
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Frye, Daubert, and PCAST: Countering Admissibility Challenges
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics conference at George Mason University on August 8th, 20
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Mental Health and Wellness: Challenges Faced by Pathologists
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics conference at George Mason University on August 8th, 2023. In this session, Board Certified Pathologist and Medical Director Marissa Saint Martin discusses the challenges that pathologists often face in regard to mental health, specifically burnout.
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