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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Awards: Listing of Funded Projects

Every year, NIJ awards grants and cooperative agreements for research, development, evaluation, testing and training and technical assistance projects across the spectrum of criminal justice.
Showing Results For:
State: WI,
District: 2

Number of Awards: 48
Total Amount Awarded: $21,828,621

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2009 Wisconsin Postconviction DNA Testing Assistance Program NIJ FY 09 Postconviction DNA Testing Assistance Program Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance WI 2009-DN-BX-K244 $647,286 Closed
2008 2008 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program
Wisconsin Department of Justice
NIJ FY 08 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program Formula Grant Announcement Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2008-DN-BX-K074 $689,540 Closed
2008 2008 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Wisconsin Department of Justice NIJ FY 08 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2008-CD-BX-0021 $207,943 Closed
2008 Solving Cold Cases with DNA NIJ FY 08 Solving Cold Cases with DNA Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2008-DN-BX-K196 $499,989 Closed
2007 2007 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant NIJ FY 07 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2007-CD-BX-0006 $210,521 Closed
2007 2007 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program NIJ FY 07 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program Formula Grant Announcement Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2007-DN-BX-K028 $469,801 Closed
2006 2006 Forensic DNA Capacity Enhancement Program NIJ FY06 DNA Capacity Enhancement Program Solicitation Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2006-DN-BX-K214 $459,688 Closed
2006 Forensic casework DNA backlog reduction program NIJ FY06 Forensic Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program Grant Announcement Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2006-DN-BX-K055 $230,844 Closed
2006 Forensic science improvement plan NIJ FY06 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program Solicitation Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2006-DN-BX-0092 $188,820 Closed
2005 A multi-year state plan to improve forensic science/medical examiner services in the State of Wiscosin. Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2005-DN-BX-0019 $178,678 Closed
2005 A Reexamination of the Criminal Deterrent Effects: Capital Punishment and Concealed Handgun Laws Data Resources Program-Fall Board of Regents of The University of Wisconsin System WI 2005-IJ-CX-0020 $32,356 Closed
2005 DNA Capacity Enhancement Program DNA Capacity Enhancement Program Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2005-DA-BX-K109 $391,905 Closed
2005 DNA Casework Backlog Reduction Program Forensic Casework Backlog Reduction Program Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2005-DN-BX-K128 $314,135 Closed
2005 Judicial Discretion and Sentencing Outcomes - Incorporating Data from the Courtroom Solicitation for Crime and Justice Research, FY05 State of Wisconsin WI 2005-IJ-CX-0003 $160,079 Closed
2005 Solving Cold Cases with DNA Solving Cold Cases with DNA Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2005-DN-BX-K011 $122,692 Closed
2004 Forensic Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program Formula Grant - FY 2004 Forensic Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program Formula Grant Announcement FY 2004 Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2004-DN-BX-K042 $497,640 Closed
2004 Model electric current through the human from less-lethal electromuscular device FY 2004 Less-Lethal Technologies Solicitation The Board of Regents of The University of Wisconsin System. WI 2004-IJ-CX-K036 $490,591 Closed
2004 NIJ DNA Capacity Enhancement Program Formula Grant - FY 2004 DNA Capacity Enhancement Program Formula Grant Announcement, FY04 Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2004-DN-BX-K175 $248,589 Closed
2004 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant
Fiscal Year 2004
2003 Advanced Media Analysis Project National Institute of Justice Congressionally Directed Awards Sonic Foundry WI 2003-IJ-CX-K026 $496,745 Closed
2003 Paul Coverdell National Forensic Science Improvement Act
July 1, 03 - June 30, 04
Paul Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act Grants (FY 2003 Formula Grant Program) Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2003-DN-BX-0098 $66,166 Closed
2003 Paul Coverdell National forensic Sciences Improvement Act National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2003-DN-BX-1055 $61,318 Closed
2002 No-Suspect Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program FY 2001 Paul Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act Grant - FY2002 Wisconsin Department of Justice WI 2002-DN-BX-K023 $1,630,000 Closed