Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Advancing Situational and Developmental Approaches To Prevent Sexual Violence
Growing evidence supports using situational and developmental crime prevention approaches to complement traditional law enforcement and criminal justice interventions to combat sexual violence.
Child Trauma: Determining Accidental Injury From Intentional Abuse
NIJ has funded academic institutions and medical examiners’ offices to research the determination of intentional versus accidental trauma in infants and children.
Improving Sexual Assault Kit Outcomes
Researchers have identified connections between the development of a CODIS-eligible DNA profile and attributes associated with sexual assault victims and assault characteri
Evaluating Technology-Based Services for Victims of Crime
Three NIJ-funded evaluations enhance our understanding about the effectiveness of technology-based services for victims who experience crime and violence.
Examining Financial Fraud Against Older Adults
Analyzing data from a nationally representative sample of adults can shed light on financial fraud victimization committed against adults age 60 or older.
Building Knowledge About Victim Services
Data from the National Crime Victimization Survey showcase trends in victim service use and how the Bureau of Justice Statistics is addressing gaps in understanding around victim services and their providers.
The Overlap Between Those Committing Offenses Who Also Are Victims: One Class of Crime Victim Rarely Seeks or Receives Available Services
First responders can help those who commit offenses who also become crime victims connect with services, but an NIJ- sponsored study reveals scant progress against systemic barriers.
Crime Victim Awareness and Assistance Through the Decades
Study Finds Agencies Can React More Supportively Than Family and Friends to Victims’ Disclosures of Sexual Assault
Women victimized by sexual assault often are victimized again by negative reactions of others when they first share the news they have been assaulted.
The Many Challenges Facing Sexual Assault Survivors With Disabilities
For survivors with a disability, seeking justice often takes a backseat to fulfilling their everyday needs.