Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Expungement: Criminal Records as Reentry Barriers
Training for School Personnel to Prevent, Prepare, and Respond to School Safety Incidents
An overview of four common training topics and what the evidence says about their efficacy.
The History and Legacy of the Latent Fingerprint Black Box Study
The FBI's black box study on latent prints continues to influence the criminal justice system's understanding of the validity and reliability of forensic testimony.
Five Facts About Mass Shootings in K-12 Schools
Postmortem CT Scans: Can They Effectively Replace Full Autopsies?
Study examines the impact of CT scans on workflow and tallies the cost savings of postmortem CT in lieu of full autopsy.
Complex Drug Mixtures Analysis, Using Open-Source Search Software and Library Building Tool
Seized drug analysis aided by the development and release of new data interpretation software.
Forensic Science Strategic Research Plan, 2022-2026
Understanding and Characterizing Labor Trafficking Among U.S. Citizen Victims
Domestic Extremists and Social Media: Study Finds Similarities, Differences in Web Habits of Those Engaged in Hate Crimes Vs. Violent Extremism
NIJ-sponsored study, bridging two leading databases on extremist hate and violence, found that individuals in both have been influenced by social media, and their web platform choices may mirror those of the general population.