Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Marie Garcia Talks About NIJ's Graduate Research Fellowship
Addressing the Impact of Wrongful Convictions on Crime Victims
We need to better understand how wrongful convictions affect the original crime victims and improve systemic support available to them.
Solving Cold Cases with DNA: The Boston Strangler Case
NIJ funding helped the Boston Police Department solve a rape and murder case almost 50 years after the crime.
Winnie Reed: More Than 40 Years of Contributions to NIJ
Director's Message - NIJ Journal Issue No. 273
Sentinel Events Initiative: Looking Back to Look Forward
Can — and should — the criminal justice system implement a non-blaming, forward-thinking, all-stakeholders approach to improving criminal justice outcomes?
Improving Forensic Sexual Assault Examinations
National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence
DNA Evidence Backlogs: Convicted Offender and Arrestee Samples
The Grant Progress Assessment Program: Looking Back on Success and Moving Forward
The NIJ program helped educate grantees on how to properly administer their grants
New Orleans Sexual Assault Evidence Project: Results and Recommendations
NIJ-sponsored project contributes to the growing body of evidence on how to handle untested sexual assault kits.