Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
What Should Be Done in the Family to Prevent Gang Membership?
Why Is Gang-Membership Prevention Important?
The Pitfalls of Prediction
The criminal justice system should take advantage of the latest scientific developments to make reliable predictions.
Preventing Children's Exposure to Violence: The Defending Childhood Initiative
An NIJ-funded evaluation takes a close look at communities developing strategies to address childhood exposure to violence.
The Economist's Guide to Crime Busting
The old divide between hard and soft strategies is breaking down under a wave of new thinking about how to control crime.
Being Smart on Crime With Evidence-based Policing
A former police chief reflects on how law enforcement agencies can do a better job of using science to reduce crime.
Anti-Gang Strategies
In Brief: Hawaii HOPE
Preventing, Preparing for Critical Incidents in Schools
Evaluating Gun Violence as an Illicit Supply-and-Demand Marketplace
Preventing Future Crime With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
One form of psychotherapy stands out in the criminal justice system.
Research in Practice: When a Researcher-Practitioner Partnership Works
Gun Violence Prevention Strategies: Action Research
CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings
Strategies that address serious health threats can also reduce violent crime.
Who Are the Violence Interrupters?
A unique approach in the criminal justice field