VictimConnect Implementation Evaluation Plan: Toolkit Resource 4
Refining the VictimConnect Logic Model: Toolkit Resource 2
VictimConnect Evaluability Assessment: Toolkit Resource 3
VictimConnect Foundational Theory and Literature: Toolkit Resource 1
Formative Evaluation of VictimConnect: Preparing for Rigorous Evaluation of a National Resource Center
VictimConnect: Operations Summary
Testing and Validating Financial Measures with Intimate Partner Violence Survivors
The Victim-Offender Overlap: One Class of Crime Victim Rarely Seeks, Receives Available Services
Estimating the Financial Costs of Crime Victimization: Study Delineates Research Needs To Inform Victim Services Policies, Programs
Recover Me if You Can: Assessing Services to Victims of Identity Theft
Delinquency, Victimization, and the Developing Brain: Results from the ABCD-Social Development Study
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development – Social Development Study (ABCD-SD) is a longitudinal study on the relationship between the developing brain and delinquency and victimization. Supplementing ABCD brain and cognitive development measures, ABCD-SD protocol measures a wide array of delinquency- and victimization-related risks, protective factors and outcomes. These presentations will describe early adolescent findings from ABCD-SD on delinquency and victimization.
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