This brief – the second of seven toolkit resources resulting from the Urban Institute’s formative evaluation of the VictimConnect Resource Center – explains the value of developing logic models in general and why doing so was useful for the evaluation of VictimConnect, and the brief also explains how the Urban Institute collaborated with VictimConnect to refine the VictimConnect logic model.
The Center for Victim Research defines “logic models” as ”visual road maps of what programs and projects are intended to achieve and how they are expected to work.” Logic models benefit programs by guiding program development, implementation, and evaluation. This brief presents a table that defines common components of logic models. VictimConnect is a nationwide helpline that provides information, emotional support, and referrals to crime victims and their loved ones through four technological modalities: phone calls via a secure, anonymous internet-based connection; online chat; text messaging; and the center website. Recognizing that a logic model is a foundational program component and a critical evaluation tool, the Urban-VictimConnect team refined the existing VictimConnect logic model during the formative evaluation. The Urban team created a template for VictimConnect team members to complete with the program content, and the template’s structure was revised as needed throughout the development process. The final draft of the logic model was approved by VictimConnect’s chief programs officer and VictimConnect supervisor of the staff providing victim services. The Urban-VictimConnect team settled on the following key components of the logic model: goal, objectives, inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, assumptions, and external factors. These were divided into focus areas. The features of each of these components are described in this brief. The uses and benefits of the VictimConnect logic model are explained. 1 table, 1 figure, and 2 references
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