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Social and Behavioral Science

Graduate Research Fellowship Program: Past and Present Fellows

The following table presents NIJ's Graduate Research Fellows since 2000. When available, the project titles are linked to an abstract of the fellow's final report, from which you also can download the full report.

Graduate Research Fellows Since 2000
Fiscal YearAward NumberFellow, University and Dissertation Chair (if available)Project Title (linked to description or final report if available)Amount
202415PNIJ-24-GG-01564-RESSTalley Bettens...

NIJ FY 09 ORE Graduate Research Fellowship

Closing Date

NIJ's Graduate Research Fellowship Program is an annual program that provides assistance to universities for dissertation research support to outstanding doctoral students undertaking independent research on issues related to crime and justice. Students from any academic discipline may propose original research that has direct implications for criminal justice in the United States. NIJ encourages a variety of approaches and perspectives in its research programs. NIJ...

NIJ FY 08 Research on the Justice System Response to Sexual Violence in Corrections

Closing Date

NIJ seeks applications for research and evaluation to address knowledge gaps related to prison sexual violence. NIJ is particularly interested in research and evaluation on staff-on-inmate sexual misconduct. For this solicitation, correctional staff may include, but are not limited to, employees, contractors, volunteers, or any agency representatives. The goal of this research and evaluation is to increase our understanding and advance policy and practice aimed...

NIJ FY 08 Forensic DNA Unit Efficiency Improvement

Closing Date
With this solicitation, NIJ is seeking proposals from States and units of local government for novel and innovative methodologies for improving the efficiency and capacity of public forensic DNA laboratories through the development and adoption of an improved laboratory process, which may involve the purchase of LIMS systems, additional equipment or robotics, an expert system, or hiring additional personnel and/or contractors to help implement the...

NIJ FY 08 Operations Research Applied to the Criminal Justice System: Invited Full Proposals

Closing Date

NIJ seeks applications to research, develop, and demonstrate operations research models and methods that enable law enforcement and corrections agencies to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and safety of their operations and to improve the judicial process. Proposed models and methods must identify and account for legal, cultural, and social factors that may affect the adoption and use of new technologies, practices, and procedures by criminal...

NIJ FY 08 ORE American Indian and Alaska Native Crime and Justice Issues

Closing Date
Over the years, NIJ has engaged in a number of research and evaluation efforts to better understand the criminal and juvenile justice problems in American Indian Alaska Native communities and the many challenges tribal nations and American Indians and Alaska Natives face. The goal of this solicitation is to fund research and evaluation that will provide much needed practical, measurable, and descriptive information on methods...

NIJ FY 08 ORE Social Science Research in Forensic Sciences

Closing Date
The field of forensic science has experienced numerous advances over the last decade. Improvements in technology have increased capabilities to utilize forensic evidence, both in terms of what can be analyzed and how quickly it can be processed. NIJ is interested in stimulating research to determine how effectively forensic evidence is being used to identify and process criminal offenders and the impact of these advances...

NIJ FY 08 ORE Violence Against Women

Closing Date
NIJ seeks applications to gain research knowledge to increase women's safety and improve the justice system and related responses to intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and teen dating violence perpetrated against women. Research is sought on women victims' safety and protection; programs and policies to hold offenders accountable; law enforcement, prosecution, and judicial responses; coordinated community responses; and effective responses to violence against women...

NIJ FY08 ORE Research on Crime Prevention and Control: Focus on Gangs

Closing Date
NIJ is soliciting applications for research and evaluation projects that advance the understanding and practice of gang prevention, intervention, and enforcement. At the group level, gangs vary from small local "crews" that are active for only a short period, to multigenerational gangs with local subgroups across multiple states or nations. Gangs also vary widely in terms of organizational sophistication. Across these group-level variations, gang membership...

NIJ FY08 ORE Research on Safe Community Release for Pretrial and Jail Populations

Closing Date
NIJ is soliciting applications for research and evaluation of pretrial and jail options that promote cost-effective alternatives to detention and incarceration and protect public safety. The Institute has identified the pretrial and jail release phases of the criminal justice system as an understudied research priority. It is at these stages that case management and other key decisions affecting detention, case outcome, and sentencing are made...