Social and Behavioral Science
Negotiated Justice: The Legal, Administrative and Policy Implications of "Pattern or Practice" Police Misconduct Reform
Monitoring Drug Epidemics and the Markets that Sustain Them Using ADAM II
The Missing Link: Examining Prosecutorial Decision Making Across Federal District Courts
Is Burglary a Crime of Violence?
A Follow-up Evaluation of Hawaii's HOPE Probation
Legal change and sentencing norms in federal court: An examination of the impact of the Booker, Gall, and Kimbrough decisions
Residence Restriction Legislation and Sex Offender Residential Locations in New York
Under the Penal Gaze: An empirical examination of penal consciousness among prison inmates
A National Survey of Eyewitness Identification Processes in Law Enforcement Agencies
Immigrant Concentration and Homicide Mortality: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Effects of Ethnic Enclaves
Organizational Efficiency and Early Disposition Programs in Federal Courts
For the Kids or for the Bottom Line?: A Case Study of the Proposed Closing the Department of Juvenile Corrections in Arizona
Deterrence and the Death Penalty
NIJ Student Research Assistants Program
Evaluating Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Payment
Foreclosures and Crime: A Space-Time Analysis
Opening the Black Box of NIBIN:A Process and Outcome Evaluation of the use of NIBIN and its Effects on Criminal Investigations.
Indigent Defense and Access to Justice
NIJ Conference
Keynote Address
Laurence Tribe, Senior Counselor for Access to Justice Initiative, U.S. Department of Justice
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A Practitioner Perspective on the Importance of Research
Karen D. Carroll, Associate Director, Bronx Sexual Assault Response Team, New York, at the 2010 NIJ Conference
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The Collaborative Approach to Justice Reinvestment
John Lazet, Chief of Staff, The Office of Senator Alan Cropsey (Mich.), at the 2010 NIJ Conference
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Collaboration Between Researchers and Law Enforcement
In this interview conducted at the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Conference 2011, Michel Moore, Director of the Office of Special Operations, Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles, California, discusses the benchmarks of successful and effective collaboration between researchers and law enforcement.
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The Impact of SANE Programs on Adult Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution
Rebecca Campbell, Professor, Michigan State University
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