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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Social and Behavioral Science

NIJ FY 12 Evaluability Assessment of Law Enforcement Agencies Using the Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS)

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct an evaluability assessment of the Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) model, which integrates location-based crime and traffic crash data to establish effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement and other resources. This research seeks to improve law enforcement operations implemented to reduce crime, traffic crashes, and traffic violations as well as improve public safety.

NIJ FY 12 Evaluability Assessments of the Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) Model

Closing Date
As part of a collaborative effort with the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART), NIJ seeks proposals to conduct an evaluability assessment of up to five sites that are implementing the Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) model. Results from the evaluability assessments may become a precursor to further research and program development work, lay possible groundwork for other targeted...

NIJ FY 12 Evaluation of the FY 2010 Bureau of Justice Assistance Second Chance Act Adult Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects

Closing Date

This solicitation seeks proposals to examine the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Second Chance Act (SCA) adult offender reentry demonstration projects funded in Fiscal Year (FY) 2010. The specific focus areas under this solicitation include: (1) an evaluability assessment of eight adult offender reentry demonstration projects (anticipates one award of up to $400,000) and; (2) a comprehensive evaluation of eight adult offender reentry demonstration projects.

NIJ FY 12 Evaluation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention FY 2010 Second Chance Act Juvenile Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for a comprehensive evaluation of up to five juvenile offender demonstration projects funded under the Second Chance Act of 2007. This solicitation seeks to award a grant to measure the processes, outcomes, costs, and impacts of the juvenile offender reentry programs that received funding in FY 2010 from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), and to assess the effectiveness...

NIJ FY 12 Evaluation of the Implementation of the Sex Offender Treatment Intervention and Progress Scale (SOTIPS)

Closing Date
As part of a collaborative effort with the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART), NIJ seeks proposals for conducting an evaluation of the implementation of the Sex Offender Treatment Intervention and Progress Scale (SOTIPS). Developed by the state of Vermont, SOTIPS combines static and dynamic risk measures into an overall assessment tool to predict sexual recidivism. It was hypothesized that...

NIJ FY 12 Research and Evaluation on Metropolitan Crime

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research on metropolitan, urban, and suburban crime in metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) with over 2 million people. This research seeks to improve law enforcement policies and operations, municipal service delivery targeting quality-of-life issues, and overall public safety..

NIJ FY 12 Evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Demonstration Project

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals to evaluate the first phase of the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Demonstration Project (seewww.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/grants/pdftxt/FY2012_WraparoundVictimLegalAssistance.pdf). The OVC Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Project will fund up to six demonstration sites to develop holistic models for wraparound pro bono legal assistance networks that offer the wide range of legal assistance that victims need in the wake of...

NIJ FY 12 Research on Domestic Radicalization

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for funding research to support Federal, State, local, and tribal criminal justice agencies in meeting the challenges posed by domestic radicalization to violence. Proposals should develop and analyze information and data that have clear implications for criminal justice in the following focus areas: (1) Empirical Evaluation of Theories of Domestic Radicalization; (2) Examination of Radicalization Processes for Individuals; (3) Comparative Analysis of...

NIJ FY 12 Building and Enhancing Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for the funding of multiple criminal justice research projects involving researcher-practitioner partnerships as well as capturing, in detail, relevant accounts of these collaborations. This solicitation specifically aims to support criminal justice research and evaluation activities that include a researcher-practitioner partnership component. Within the context of the proposed research or evaluation project, these partnerships can be new or ongoing. Results from these projects...

NIJ FY 12 Violent Victimization Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for research on the violent victimization experiences of racial and ethnic minorities. NIJ's goal is to advance the body of research on this topic by examining the causes and correlates of differential victimization rates among these diverse populations, including demographic and socioeconomic risk factors. The research should take into account the argument that there is no single cause of violent victimization. Rather...

NIJ FY 12 Research on the Link Between Victimization and Offending

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research that enhances the knowledge of the relationship between victimization and offending, with an emphasis on criminal incidents or events. NIJ encourages applicants to submit proposals for bold, innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of processes linking criminal offending and victimization.