Social and Behavioral Science
NIJ FY 08 Forensic DNA Unit Efficiency Improvement
Testing and Evaluation of the Use of Polygraphs to Combat Violence Against Women, Final Report
Sexual Victimization in Prisons: Moving Toward Elimination
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NIJ FY 08 Operations Research Applied to the Criminal Justice System: Invited Full Proposals
NIJ seeks applications to research, develop, and demonstrate operations research models and methods that enable law enforcement and corrections agencies to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and safety of their operations and to improve the judicial process. Proposed models and methods must identify and account for legal, cultural, and social factors that may affect the adoption and use of new technologies, practices, and procedures by criminal...
NIJ FY 08 ORE Social Science Research in Forensic Sciences
NIJ FY 08 ORE Violence Against Women
NIJ FY 08 ORE American Indian and Alaska Native Crime and Justice Issues
NIJ FY08 ORE Research on Crime Prevention and Control: Focus on Gangs
NIJ FY08 ORE Research on Safe Community Release for Pretrial and Jail Populations
NIJ FY 08 ORE Trafficking
NIJ FY 08 ORE Policing and Public Safety Interventions
International Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (I-ADAM)
NIJ FY 08 ORE Terroism
NIJ FY 08 ORE Elder Mistreatment
NIJ FY 08 ORE Crime and Justice
The Crime and Justice Research solicitation is NIJ's "open" solicitation for social and behavioral research and evaluation on topics relevant to State and/or local criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice. Most crime and justice topics that are relevant to policymakers and practitioners are eligible for consideration. Potential applicants are encouraged to read NIJ's targeted solicitations as they are released to determine which solicitation is...