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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

School shooting

Rare Incidents Data Collection Methods to Advance Research on Mass Violence

Thank you and welcome. It is most gratifying for us at NIJ to host, interact with, and learn from our expert research partners. 

We appreciate that you’ve come from all over the country to convene with us here in San Antonio, Texas—the home of “The Alamo.” 

The Importance of Mass Violence Research 

I am David Muhlhausen, the Director of the National Institute of Justice. As...

Evidence-Based Policing: The Importance of Research and Evidence

July 2018
NIJ’s two Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science programs encourage law enforcement officers and agencies to use data and research to inform their policies and practices. This panel convened leading practitioners and researchers to discuss evidence-based policing for an audience that includes the next generation of U.S. policing leadership. Panelists come from a variety of backgrounds and will draw from on-the-ground experience to discuss evidence-based policing as it relates to law enforcement training curriculums, practitioner-led trials, research clearinghouses, and other topics.

TECHBeat, Winter 2011

Date Published
Publication Type
Research (Applied/Empirical)