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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Research and development

NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on Promising Reentry Initiatives

Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks to build knowledge on best practices in offender reentry. Specifically, NIJ requests proposals for rigorous research to examine reentry initiatives for adult or juvenile offenders that incorporate promising practices, strategies, or programs. These initiatives may be applicable to institutional or community corrections, or both. Preference will be given to applications that propose to use a randomized controlled trial (RCT). This...

NIJ FY18 Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence-Inventory, Tracking, and Reporting Program (SAFE-ITR)

Closing Date


In fiscal 2020, all state and local forensic capacity enhancement programs previously managed by NIJ moved to the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

The awards made under this solicitation now are being managed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. To see the complete list of awards, visit the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

The program will fund States, units of local government, and tribal governments...

NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in Persons

Closing Date

This solicitation seeks applications for funding for research and evaluation projects that will address the knowledge gaps related to trafficking in persons, with clear implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States. NIJ has funded research on trafficking in persons for over a decade, and is particularly interested in proposals that build upon and complement its earlier research investments. NIJ's current portfolio...

NIJ FY18 Research on Reducing Violence in Communities

Closing Date

The purpose of this solicitation is to support research to produce sustainable community-level reductions in violence. NIJ seeks to develop scientific evidence and build practical knowledge of the factors that contribute to achieving enduring violence reductions in communities. NIJ is interested in receiving proposals for research with both empirical and theory-building elements that will lead to practical and generalizable recommendations. These recommendations should inform community-focused...

NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories

Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation projects that will: 1. Identify and inform the forensic community of best practices through the evaluation of existing laboratory protocols; and 2. Have a direct and immediate impact on laboratory efficiency and assist in making laboratory policy decisions. The intent of this program is to direct the findings of the research and evaluation toward the...

NIJ FY18 Understanding the Impacts of Policing Strategies and Practices

Closing Date

With this solicitation, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks proposal for research and/or evaluation projects to examine the impact of police crime-reduction practices and strategies on four variables. Those are: (1) crime, (2) officer safety, (3) criminal investigations, and (4) criminal prosecutions. NIJ will accept proposals for research examining person- or place-based practices and strategies. NIJ is particularly interested in examining the practice of...

NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on the Administration of Justice

Closing Date

NIJ seeks applications for funding investigator-initiated, interdisciplinary research and evaluation projects related to the administration of justice in three priority areas: (1) eyewitness evidence; (2) front-end intervention strategies (diversion and deflection, pretrial notification protocols and court appearance compliance, and justice system-led strategies aimed at young-adult offenders); and (3) enhancing investigation and prosecution (body worn cameras, and jury nullification). Strong applications that address the administration of...

NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on Decision-making

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation projects to identify the combination of attributes specific to the individual law enforcement officer that causes them to make the decisions governing their actions during encounters with the public. Specifically, NIJ is interested in identifying those combinations of attributes tending to lead to successful encounter outcomes; as well as those tending to lead to unsuccessful outcomes. NIJ is...