Organized crime
Tennessee's FFY 2015 DBRG Program
Continuation of Research on Facilitators of Transnational Organized Crime: Understanding Crime Networks' Logistical Support
International Organized Crime: Recent Developments in Policy and Research
Research on Facilitators of Transnational Organized Crime: Understanding Crime Networks' Logistical Support
An empirical analysis of the scope and scale of organized crime''s involvement in human trafficking in the United States
Transnational Crimes among Somali-Americans: Convergences of Radicalization and Trafficking
Social Networks and Organized Crime
NIJ FY 13 Research and Evaluation on Transnational Issues Trafficking in Persons, Transnational Organized Crime and Violent Extremism
NIJ seeks proposals for funding research and evaluation projects that support Federal, State, local, and tribal criminal justice agencies in meeting the challenges posed to them by transnational issues such as transnational organized crime, trafficking in persons, and radicalization to violent extremism. Proposals should develop and analyze information and data that have clear implications for criminal justice in the following focus areas: (1) transnational offenders...
Culture, Migration and Transnational Crime: Ethnic Albanian Organized Crime in New York City
Evaluating and Improving Law Enforcement Cooperation in Combatting Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations
NIJ FY 11 Research Solicitation on International Organized Crime (IOC)
NIJ is seeking proposals for research on international organized crime (IOC) that can help State, local, tribal, or Federal criminal justice agencies meet the challenge of IOC in their jurisdictions. Proposals will examine information and data that has clear implications for criminal justice in the United States in the following focus areas: quantification of harm; evaluations of counter-IOC tools or programs; the organization of IOC...