Juvenile victims
De-escalation Training: What Works, Implementation Lessons, and Taking It to Scale; Plenary at the 2023 NIJ Research Conference
Police use of force, while infrequently used, is a tremendous concern to public safety in the United States when officers employ it excessively or inappropriately, causing injury or death and eroding public trust in law enforcement. This plenary from the 2023 NIJ Research Conference describes the Integrating, Communications, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) de-escalation training program developed by the Police Executive Research Forum to guide officers in defusing critical incidents.
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Fourth National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrownaway Children (NISMART‐4) Law Enforcement Survey – Stereotypical Kidnapping (LES-SK) Technical Report
Pathways to Help: Adolescent Sexual Assault Victims' Disclosure and Help-Seeking Experiences
Human Trafficking and the Child Welfare Population in Florida
Sexual Assault Perpetration and Reperpetration: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Frozen: Thawing and Its Effect on the Postmortem Microbiome in Two Pediatric Cases
Co-Occurrence of Physical and Cyber Dating Violence and Bullying Among Teens
Restorative Policing Experiment
National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Program
Multi-Modal Method for Determining the Postmortem Interval in Juvenile Remains and Assessing Skeletal Health
Teen Dating Abuse and Harassment in the Digital World: Implications for Prevention and Intervention
The Florida Missing and Unidentified Persons Cold Case Program
Technology-Involved Harassment Victimization: Placement in a Broader Victimization Context
Evaluation of Safe Harbor Laws and Their Impact on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Preventing Children's Exposure to Violence: The Defending Childhood Initiative
An NIJ-funded evaluation takes a close look at communities developing strategies to address childhood exposure to violence.