Image analysis
Three-Dimensional-Printed Instrument for Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification with Real-Time Colorimetric Imaging
Color Manipulation Through Microchip Tinting for Colorimetric Detection Using Hue Image Analysis
Characterization of the Spectral Accuracy of an Orbitrap Mass Analyzer Using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
Police Crime Lab Accreditation Initiative
Assessing the strengths and limitations of quantitative micromorphometry for the forensic examination of small arms propellant towards brand identification
An Image Analysis Framework for Objective Color Interpretation of Seized Drug Tests
Can Science Enhance Equity? Findings and Implications From a Study To Detect Bruising on Victims with Dark Skin Pigmentation
This plenary panel from the 2023 NIJ Research Conference features fascinating research on a methodology to improve the detection and documentation of bruises on victims of violence who have dark skin pigmentation. This study highlights the intersection between science, justice, and racial equity, featuring practitioner and victims’ advocacy perspectives. The discussion describes the research and its findings and explore strategies to ensure that this particular evidence-based methodology can be widely implemented by nurse practitioners in the field.
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