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Funding instruments

NIJ FY24 Invited to Apply – Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Program

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for funding basic or applied research and development in forensic science for criminal justice purposes. NIJ’s Forensic Science Strategic Research Plan and Forensic Science Research and Development Technology Working Group (TWG) identify current research priorities and technology challenges encountered in operational forensic science laboratories. Research-based knowledge and newly developed tools that work towards addressing these priorities and resolving these...

NIJ FY24 Evaluation of BJA Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP): Scan of Practices and Evaluability Assessments

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals to examine programs funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) in Fiscal Years (FY) 2022-2024. The BJA Byrne SCIP program provides funding for the implementation and/or creation of specific program areas: (1) extreme risk protection order (ERPO) programs, (2) courts response to people in crisis, (3) community-based services for people in crisis...

NIJ FY24 Invited to Apply - American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF)

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks to support two (2) American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF) Fellows at NIJ. The AAAS STPF Fellow, as mutually agreed, will be assigned responsibilities across NIJ’s science offices depending on the interests of the science offices and the interests of the Fellows. Regardless of placement, the Fellows will have the opportunity to...

NIJ FY24 Field-Initiated Action Research Partnerships

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks research partnership proposals that meet the needs and missions of local justice and service provider entities — including police, corrections, courts, victim services, forensic science service providers, and community safety and adult and juvenile justice entities — and the communities they serve. These partnerships should apply a data-driven, problem-solving approach to challenges prioritized by agency partners; identify actionable and measurable...

NIJ FY24 Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Research and Evaluation

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for funding for rigorous, independent evaluation projects funded under the OJP Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI). This solicitation includes two funding categories: 1) Evaluation research of programmatic sites funded under the OJP FY23 and FY24 CVIPI solicitations and 2) evaluation research of other community-violence programs.

NIJ FY24 Research on School-Based Hate Crimes

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals from accredited research universities to conduct a study of hate crimes in the K-12 education system to understand the scope, characteristics, and outcomes of these incidents.

NIJ FY24 Domestic Radicalization and Violent Extremism Research Center of Excellence

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals to establish a Center of Excellence for research and evaluation on the domestic radicalization to violent extremism phenomenon. This Center will perform four core functions: 1) Conduct (and/or support through multiple sub-awards) rigorous research, evaluation, and demonstration projects targeted toward developing a better understanding of the phenomenon and advancing evidence-based strategies for effective intervention and prevention. 2) Assess the research...

The Hidden Costs of Reentry: Understanding the Barriers to Removing a Criminal Record

May 2022

NIJ hosted a webinar to discuss under-researched aspects of reentry: expungement of criminal records and the impact of those records. This webinar includes a presentation of ongoing research projects examining the impact of legal aid for expungement and past research projects studying the accuracy and permanency of criminal records and the prevalence of collateral consequences of conviction. A Q&A session will conclude this webinar.

NIJ FY 13 Evaluation of Police and Technology in Schools

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for research to evaluate the use of police and technology in schools. The proposed research should be comprehensive and include assessment of aspects such as school ecology, culture, climate, and social capital in addition to outcomes and other impacts. Logic models should be provided and include assessment of implementation processes and outputs and proximal and distal outcomes. A cost-benefit component should be...

NIJ Fiscal Year 2020 Continuations

Closing Date
This will be an NIJ Continuations solicitation to include all three program offices. Awards may be grants or cooperative agreements.

National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards, FY 1997

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY19 Continuations

Closing Date

This will be an NIJ Continuations solicitation to include all three program offices. Awards may be grants or cooperative agreements.

NIJ FY18 Continuations

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY17 Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences Continuations

Closing Date
Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY17 Office of Research and Evaluation Continuations

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY17 Office of Science and Technology Continuations

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences Continuations

Closing Date
Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

Office of Science and Technology Continuations

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

Office of Research and Evaluation Continuations

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.