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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Fellowship Programs

Closing Cases Using Gunshot Residue

May 2024

Not every crime scene will have definitive evidence, such as DNA, to link an individual to a crime. In those cases, law enforcement relies on other evidence to build the burden of proof. NIJ graduate research fellow Dr. Shelby Khandasammy developed a tool to analyze organic gunshot residue and distinguish between different firearms calibers and manufacturers. She joins Marie Garcia, office director for the Office of Criminal Justice Systems at NIJ, to talk about her work and experience as a research fellow. 

Graduate Fellowship Program: Publications By Fellows

The Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program provides grants to accredited academic institutions to support outstanding doctoral students whose dissertation research is relevant to criminal or juvenile justice. Over 20 plus year, the fellows have produced a wealth of publications, from dissertations to peer reviewed articles. 

NIJ FY24 Graduate Research Fellowship

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
The Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program provides grants to accredited academic institutions to support outstanding doctoral students whose dissertation research is relevant to criminal or juvenile justice. Applicant academic institutions are eligible to apply only if 1) the student is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the sciences or engineering; 2) the student’s proposed dissertation research has demonstrable relevance to preventing and controlling crime, advancing knowledge...