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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


Thinking Strategically about Developments in Law Enforcement Technology

Dear friends and colleagues:

It is truly wonderful to come back home and to see so many friends and colleagues here. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work in the criminal justice system of New York City – I learned invaluable lessons about crime, justice and communities and made friendships that have lasted throughout my entire career.

It is particularly gratifying...

Declining Crime and Our National Research Agenda: A New Yorker's View

Inaugural Lecture
The Jack and Lewis Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program

Good Afternoon:

I thank you for the invitation to speak with you this afternoon and thank Dr. Gerald Lynch for arranging this impressive gathering. I am especially honored to be presenting the inaugural lecture of the Jack and Lewis Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program. The Rudin family is synonymous with civic commitment to the...

Crime Prevention in Community and Cultural Context

I wish to thank you for your very kind invitation to attend your conference and to offer some of my thoughts on the topic of your conference. When Dr. Linares first met with me in Washington to talk about the work you are doing in Puerto Rico -- and the special challenges that you are facing -- at the end of our meeting, he asked...

Thinking About Prevention: Are We Asking the Right Questions? Hans W. Mattick Lecture

Dear friends and colleagues; with thanks to hosts.

I wish to thank you for your very kind invitation to spend the day with students, faculty and colleagues at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Over the years, NIJ has developed deep and productive partnerships with individual researchers. The new challenge we have embraced is to forge new relationships between the Institute and the leading academic...

Policing in Transition

I am deeply honored that you invited me to address this impressive gathering of international experts and scholars here in the beautiful city of Budapest. As Director of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the research arm of the U.S. Department of Justice, I am particularly excited about the potential for a continuing dialogue between my colleagues and the practitioners and researchers who are gathered...