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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Expired Funding Opportunities


NIJ FY 08 ORE Crime and Justice

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The Crime and Justice Research solicitation is NIJ's "open" solicitation for social and behavioral research and evaluation on topics relevant to State and/or local criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice. Most crime and justice topics that are relevant to policymakers and practitioners are eligible for consideration. Potential applicants are encouraged to read NIJ's targeted solicitations as they are released to determine which solicitation is most appropriate for their proposal and to get an indication of NIJ's areas of interest.

NIJ FY 08 Research and Development in Forensic Analysis of Fire and Arson: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding for research and development in fire and arson investigation for criminal justice purposes. This solicitation is aimed at improving the ability of forensic analysts and investigators to locate and identify probative evidence from fire scenes and to enhance the ability of crime laboratories to analyze fire evidence.

NIJ FY 08 Sensors and Surveillance Technologies: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding research and development of sensor and surveillance technologies to address specific needs in criminal justice. NIJ is particularly interested in the following three areas: 1. Concealed weapons detection (CWD) at a safe distance. 2. Through-the-wall surveillance (TWS) for locating and/or tracking individuals within buildings. 3. Other novel sensor or surveillance technologies, applications, or support functions for specific criminal justice applications

NIJ FY 08 Forensic Science Training Development and Delivery Program

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NIJ seeks applications from training providers to develop and/or deliver knowledge-based forensic science curricula at the State and/or local level. Applicants are encouraged to propose enhancements or modifications to existing training programs for computer-based or Web-based delivery. Dissemination of the product and sustainability of these initiatives is a priority. Applicants that propose to deliver training will be responsible for all aspects of the training delivery, including, but not limited to, travel, lodging, per diem for participants, and any other training-related logistics.

NIJ FY08 ORE Research on Crime Prevention and Control: Focus on Gangs

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NIJ is soliciting applications for research and evaluation projects that advance the understanding and practice of gang prevention, intervention, and enforcement. At the group level, gangs vary from small local "crews" that are active for only a short period, to multigenerational gangs with local subgroups across multiple states or nations. Gangs also vary widely in terms of organizational sophistication. Across these group-level variations, gang membership continues to be one of the strongest independent predictors of serious offending at the individual level.

NIJ FY 08 ORE Violence Against Women

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NIJ seeks applications to gain research knowledge to increase women's safety and improve the justice system and related responses to intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and teen dating violence perpetrated against women. Research is sought on women victims' safety and protection; programs and policies to hold offenders accountable; law enforcement, prosecution, and judicial responses; coordinated community responses; and effective responses to violence against women in diverse communities.

NIJ FY 08 ORE Social Science Research in Forensic Sciences

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The field of forensic science has experienced numerous advances over the last decade. Improvements in technology have increased capabilities to utilize forensic evidence, both in terms of what can be analyzed and how quickly it can be processed. NIJ is interested in stimulating research to determine how effectively forensic evidence is being used to identify and process criminal offenders and the impact of these advances on the criminal justice system.

NIJ FY 08 ORE American Indian and Alaska Native Crime and Justice Issues

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Over the years, NIJ has engaged in a number of research and evaluation efforts to better understand the criminal and juvenile justice problems in American Indian Alaska Native communities and the many challenges tribal nations and American Indians and Alaska Natives face.

NIJ FY08 ORE Research on Safe Community Release for Pretrial and Jail Populations

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NIJ is soliciting applications for research and evaluation of pretrial and jail options that promote cost-effective alternatives to detention and incarceration and protect public safety. The Institute has identified the pretrial and jail release phases of the criminal justice system as an understudied research priority. It is at these stages that case management and other key decisions affecting detention, case outcome, and sentencing are made. Such decisions have important repercussions for offenders, victims and their families at the case level, and for policymakers in the aggregate.

NIJ FY 08 Personal Protective Equipment: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding to research, develop, and demonstrate technologies that will enhance the safety of law enforcement officers and other criminal justice practitioners. Specific areas of interest include: 1. Improved protective uniforms for motorcycle officers. 2. Officer-deployable traffic control devices. 3. Less toxic materials for latent fingerprint identification/examination. 4. Assessment of long-term workplace exposure to hazardous materials. 5. Traffic-light-mounted sensors to warn motorists of approaching emergency vehicles. 6.

NIJ FY 08 Forensic DNA Research and Development: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking is seeking applications for funding for research and development that can enhance the forensic uses of DNA technology in criminal justice settings. This solicitation focuses on development of technologies that result in faster, more robust, more informative, less costly, or less labor-intensive identification, collection, preservation, and/or analysis of biological evidence that has the potential for DNA analysis.

NIJ FY 08 ORE Policing and Public Safety Interventions

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NIJ is seeking applications to conduct research on policing to improve law enforcement policies and operations at the State and local levels. Effective law enforcement and crime prevention are of critical importance to ensuring the safety of communities throughout the country. Given the limited resources of most police departments and other local criminal justice agencies and groups, it is especially important to determine the effectiveness of police department policies.

NIJ FY 08 ORE Trafficking

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding for research projects to address knowledge gaps related to trafficking in human beings in the United States. NIJ is particularly interested in research related to labor trafficking, demand reduction for sex trafficking and commercial sex acts, and in identifying and addressing issues faced by trafficking victims. All applications should be for research with direct, immediate, and obvious implications for policy and practice in the United States.

NIJ FY 08 ORE Elder Mistreatment

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NIJ is soliciting applications for research and evaluation in the area of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation (including abuse of individuals who reside either in the community or in residential care facilities). For the purpose of this solicitation, the term "abuse" includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, abandonment and isolation, neglect, or financial or fiduciary abuse perpetrated against any person over the age of 65 ("elderly") or individuals of any age who reside in residential care facilities.

NIJ FY 08 ORE Terroism

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NIJ is seeking applications to conduct social science research on terrorism that will inform national criminal justice policy and practice. Proposed research should aim to improve criminal justice and first responder strategies for preventing, preparing for, responding to, and mitigating terrorist incidents at the Federal, State, and local levels. Applications may address either domestic or international terrorism, but research should have direct, immediate, and obvious implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States.

NIJ FY 07/08 ORE W.E.B. DuBois

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NIJ is soliciting applications for funding research to advance knowledge regarding the confluence of crime, justice, and culture, particularly in diverse cultural contexts. Du Bois Fellows will focus on policy-relevant questions in a manner that reflects their saliency as an integral part of the American past, present, and, increasingly, the future. Topics of interest include immigration, crime, and victimization; transnational crime; trafficking in human beings; ethnographic studies; police-community relations; and courts, sentencing, and corrections.

NIJ FY 08 Solving Cold Cases with DNA

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NIJ is seeking proposals from States and units of local government for funding to identify, review, and investigate "violent crime cold cases" that have the potential to be solved using DNA analysis and to locate and analyze biological evidence associated with these cases. Experience has shown that cold case programs can solve a substantial number of violent crime cold cases, including homicides and sexual assaults. Advances in DNA technologies have substantially increased the successful DNA analysis of aged, degraded, limited, or otherwise compromised biological evidence.

NIJ FY 08 Operations Research Applied to the Criminal Justice System: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ seeks applications to research, develop, and demonstrate operations research models and methods that enable law enforcement and corrections agencies to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and safety of their operations and to improve the judicial process. Proposed models and methods must identify and account for legal, cultural, and social factors that may affect the adoption and use of new technologies, practices, and procedures by criminal justice agencies.

NIJ FY 07/08 ORE Graduate Research Fellowship

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The NIJ Ph.D. Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program provides awards for research on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited universities that support graduate study leading to research-based doctoral degrees. NIJ invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to successfully complete doctoral degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of NIJ.

NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2007

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Awards made under this funding opportunity are either made non-competitively or are the result of an administrative funding adjustment.

NIJ FY 08 Enhanced Tools for Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and Vehicle Borne IED Defeat: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding to enhance the ability of law enforcement personnel to deal with the threat of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIEDs). NIJ is especially interested in proposals for the development and demonstration of new tools in the following areas of urgent concern: • Vehicle bomb confirmation. • Diagnostic tools for bomb disposal. • Enhanced reconnaissance capability for bomb squad robots. Proposals addressing other areas of response to the suspected presence of explosive devices also will be considered.