Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Comparing Violent Extremism and Terrorism to Other Forms of Targeted Violence
NIJ-supported research indicates that although there is no single, clear-cut overlap between individuals who engage in these types of violence, there are important and sometimes unexpected similarities.
Functional Family Therapy–Gangs: Adapting an Evidence-Based Program To Reduce Gang Involvement
NIJ-supported studies are examining whether an evidence-based delinquency prevention program can be modified to prevent gang involvement and reduce the criminal activities of gang members.
Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership
A new book offers evidence-based principles that can halt the cascading impact of gangs on youth, families, neighborhoods and society at large.
Tailored Functional Family Therapy Program Shows Promise for Reducing Subsequent Criminal Activity in a Population at High Risk for Joining Gangs
A rigorous trial application of Functional Family Therapy to youth at risk of gang involvement, or already involved, finds promising outcome and cost advantages.
Market Survey of Offender Tracking Technologies Gives Agencies a Snapshot of Available Products
Law enforcement and corrections administrators tasked with implementing electronic monitoring programs can find information that may help them make procurement decisions in a study conducted with NIJ funding.