Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Comparing Violent Extremism and Terrorism to Other Forms of Targeted Violence
NIJ-supported research indicates that although there is no single, clear-cut overlap between individuals who engage in these types of violence, there are important and sometimes unexpected similarities.
Functional Family Therapy–Gangs: Adapting an Evidence-Based Program To Reduce Gang Involvement
NIJ-supported studies are examining whether an evidence-based delinquency prevention program can be modified to prevent gang involvement and reduce the criminal activities of gang members.
Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership
A new book offers evidence-based principles that can halt the cascading impact of gangs on youth, families, neighborhoods and society at large.
Gangs and Sex Trafficking in San Diego
GPS Supervision in California: One Technology, Two Contrasting Goals
Two NIJ-supported studies with very different results show that GPS technology may be used to help prevent crime in various ways.