Young adult offenders
The Road to Reentry: A Randomized Control Trial of Young Adults in Custody from the Inside to the Outs
Exploring Characteristics for Classifying Juvenile Sex Offenders (From Juvenile Sex Offender, P 45-83, 1993, H. E. Barbaree, W. L. Marshall, et al, eds.)
Delinquent Girls Grown Up: Young Adult Offending Patterns and Their Relation to Early Legal, Individual, and Family Risk
Risk Factors in Pre- and Mid-Adolescence May Help Predict Dating Violence in Young Adulthood
The "Real World" of Dating Violence in Adolescence and Young Adulthood - A Longitudinal Portrait
Risks in Adolescence that Lead to Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adulthood
Relationship Abuse During the Transition From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Discussing the Future of Justice-Involved Young Adults
New science in brain development is transforming young adult involvement with the justice system. On Tuesday, September 8, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Assistant Attorney General Karol Mason, and experts from NIJ and the Harvard Kennedy School Program in Criminal Justice who serve on the Executive Session on Community Corrections discussed the future of justice-involved young adults.
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