Sworn officers
“We Need to Not Fear You”: Essential Factors Identified by Sworn Officers and Civilian Staff for Implementation and Expansion of a Co-Response Program
Celebrating 10 Years of NIJ’s Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science (LEADS) Scholars Program - 2024 NIJ Research Conference
In 2014, NIJ established the Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science (LEADS) Scholars Program to support research-minded, mid-career sworn law enforcement officers working to integrate research into agency policy and practice. The LEADS Scholars Program helps participants develop independent research and provides support to identify current evidence on priority issues.
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Does Training Police Officers In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Improve Use Of Force Outcomes? An Experimental Evaluation With Systematic Social Observation in the Colorado Springs Police Department
Research Review: Law Enforcement Recruitment Messaging for Female Applicants
Enhancing Response to Victims: A Formative Evaluation of OVC’s Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services (LEV) Program
NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on 911, Alternative Hotlines, and Alternative Responder Models
Climate, Culture, and Correction Officer Wellness
Houston Police Department’s Domestic Abuse Response Team (D.A.R.T.): An Outcome Evaluation of an Innovative Approach to a Persistent Problem
2023 NIJ Research Conference Opening Ceremony
The theme of NIJ’s 2023 Research Conference was “evidence to action,” and our goal was to bring researchers and practitioners together to learn about the latest research evidence and how it can be implemented to promote safety, equity, and justice.
The opening ceremony included remarks from U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs Amy Solomon, and NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne.
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Campus Sexual Assault Responses (CSAR): Informing Trauma-Informed Policies, Protocols, and Training
Sexual violence is a significant criminal justice problem with long-term effects for its victims. In particular, sexual assault on or related to college campuses across the United States presents a growing public health and economic burden, starting with significant impacts on academic outcomes.
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Fostering Diversity in a Police Agency, From Bottom to Top
School Policing Programs: Where We Have Been and Where We Need To Go Next
Recruiting and Retaining America's Finest: Evidence-Based Lessons for Police Workforce Planning
Bureau of Justice Statistics: Survey of Law Enforcement in Public Schools - Roundtable Discussion, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video presents a roundtable discussion from that conference.
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Virtual Conference on School Safety - Welcome Message, Overview of CSSI, and a Philadelphia Story
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes a welcome message, an overview of the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative and School Safety Research at NIJ, and the presentation on "A Philadelphia Story: Innovating and Improving in a Large Urban District," by Abigail Gray and Kevin Bethel, School District of Philadelphia.
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School Resource Officers and Police in Schools - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Expanding Research to Examine the Impacts of Forensic Science on the Criminal Justice System
In 2004, the National Institute of Justice created the social science research on forensic sciences (SSRFS) research program to explore the impact of forensic sciences on the criminal justice system and the administration of justice. Much of the early research from the SSRFS program focused on DNA processing and the use of DNA in investigations and prosecutions.
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