Social and Behavioral Science
State Responses to Mass Incarceration
Translational Criminology and the Science of Community
Translating Science: A Town Hall on the Challenges
Protecting our Protectors: Using Science to Improve Officer Safety and Wellness
NIJ FY 14 Evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime Service, Support & Justice: A Strategy to Enhance Law Enforcement Response to Victims Demonstration Project
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for an evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Service, Support & Justice: A Strategy to Enhance Law Enforcement Response to Victims (ELERV) Demonstration Project. ELERV is a strategy developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in conjunction with OVC to help law enforcement agencies implement agencywide changes in how law enforcement interacts with...
NIJ FY 14 Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in Persons
In an effort to expand its research and evaluation efforts in the area of trafficking in persons, NIJ is seeking proposals to provide information and research on evidence-based practices in human trafficking for State, local, and tribal criminal justice agencies. NIJ is particularly interested in proposals to develop and analyze information and data that have clear implications for criminal justice in the United States in...
National Study of Prison Closings
NIJ FY 14 Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism
NIJ seeks proposals for research that will help State, local and tribal criminal justice agencies and their attendant communities to implement programs that prevent or counter all forms of radicalization to violent extremism in the United States. Responses can include explanatory models and hypothesis testing, empirical designs with control groups, thick description, case studies and other scientific contributions to our understanding of domestic radicalization to...
NIJ FY 14 Methodological Research to Support NIJ's Program of Research Examining Violence and Victimization of American Indian (AI) and Alaska Native (AN) Youth
In partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), NIJ seeks proposals for research that will provide prevalence data and research detailing the occurrence and forms of victimization experienced by American Indian (AI) and Alaska Native (AN) youth living in or near tribal communities. In particular, NIJ seeks proposals to develop and test optimum...
NIJ FY 14 Research and Evaluation on Firearms and Violence
NIJ is seeking proposals for research on firearms and violence such as, but not limited to, gun violence prevention programs based on general prevention theory, the effects of criminal justice interventions on reducing gun violence, improving data systems for studying gun violence, illicit gun markets, and the effects of firearm policies and legislation on public safety.
Automated Victim Notification: The Landscape in the US
NIJ FY 14 Building and Enhancing Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships
NIJ is seeking proposals for multiple criminal justice research projects involving researcher-practitioner partnerships as well as capturing detailed descriptions of these collaborations. While other NIJ solicitations often encourage researcher-practitioner partnerships, this solicitation directly focuses on supporting criminal justice research and evaluation activities that include a researcher-practitioner partnership component. Within the context of the proposed research or evaluation project, the partnerships can be new or ongoing...
NIJ FY 14 Graduate Research Fellowship Program in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
NIJ FY 14 Research on Sentinel Events and Criminal Justice System Errors
NIJ is interested in stimulating research in a new area of study in criminal justice research – an exploration of the use of sentinel event reviews to improve the justice system overall. Sentinel event review processes have been used in other fields, notably aviation and medicine, and NIJ would like to explore whether similar reviews would be feasible in the criminal justice field. With this...
NIJ FY 14 Research and Evaluation on Children Exposed to Violence
NIJ is seeking multidisciplinary research and evaluation proposals related to childhood exposure to violence. In particular, NIJ seeks proposals that address polyvictimization, resilience, or justice system responses to children identified as being exposed to violence. For the purposes of this solicitation, “Children Exposed to Violence (CEV)” encompasses a broad area that includes children as both direct victims and as bystanders or observers of various forms...