Social and Behavioral Science
Shifting perceptions of a risk/need assessment tool: exploring practitioners' adjustments to reform
Delinquency as a Response to Peer Victimization: The Implications of School and Cyberbullying Operationalizations
Differences in Mortality Rates of Gunshot Victims: The Influence of Neighborhood Social Processes
Understanding and Characterizing Labor Trafficking Among U.S. Citizen Victims
NIJ FY22 Evaluation of OJP Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Projects
NIJ seeks proposals for independent, rigorous evaluations of projects to be selected for funding under fiscal year 2022 OJP Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) solicitation. More specifically, NIJ seeks to fund outcome and impact evaluations of Expansion and Enhancement project sites, as defined under Categories 3 and 4 of the OJP solicitation FY 2022 Office of Justice Programs Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative. Evaluations should also examine questions regarding program implementation (e.g., process evaluation). ...
Interpersonal Violence and Institutional Misconduct in the Los Angeles County Jail System: A Mixed Method Investigation
In the eye of the beholder: Meaning and structure of informal status in women's and men's prisons
Damned if you do, damned if you don't: How formerly incarcerated men navigate the labor market with prison credentials
Prevalence and hospital charges from firearm injuries treated in US emergency departments from 2006 to 2016
What is the role of firearms in nonfatal intimate partner violence? Findings from civil protective order case data
Clinical diagnostic phenotypes in hospitalizations due to self-inflicted firearm injury
Understanding Socio-environmental and Physical Risk Factors Influencing Firearm Violence
NIJ FY22 Design, Implementation, and Testing of a National Model for Technical Violations
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for funding for rigorous research and evaluation projects from accredited academic institutions in partnership with supervising agencies to design, implement, and test parole or probation supervision models that reduce revocations for technical violations while ensuring successful re-entry and minimizing recidivism through adoption of appropriate revocation policies coupled with evidence-based services. Applicants to this solicitation must be accredited...