Serious juvenile offenders
Recidivism in a Sample of Serious Adolescent Offenders
Delinquency, Victimization, and the Developing Brain: Results from the ABCD-Social Development Study
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development – Social Development Study (ABCD-SD) is a longitudinal study on the relationship between the developing brain and delinquency and victimization. Supplementing ABCD brain and cognitive development measures, ABCD-SD protocol measures a wide array of delinquency- and victimization-related risks, protective factors and outcomes. These presentations will describe early adolescent findings from ABCD-SD on delinquency and victimization.
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Restorative Policing Experiment
Risk of Death Among Serious Young Offenders
Crime File: Juvenile Rehabilitation
This Crime File video presents a portrayal of the Paint Creek Youth Center, a treatment program for serious juvenile offenders in Bainbridge, Ohio; followed by a panel discussion of the effectiveness of such programs and issues in their expanded use.
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Crime File: Juvenile Offenders
This Crime File video portrays a panel discussion of the rationale for and the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system, the advantages and disadvantages of processing serious juvenile offenders as adults, and due process in the juvenile justice system.
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