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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Research and development

NIJ FY 13 Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for funding under the NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program that provides awards for research on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited universities that offer research-based doctoral degrees. NIJ invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to successfully complete doctoral degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of NIJ and who...

NIJ FY 13 Social Science Research on Forensic Science

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for social science research on forensic science. Some of the forensic disciplines, particularly in the area of DNA, have experienced numerous advances over the last decade. NIJ is interested in stimulating research to examine the impact of these forensic advances on the criminal justice system and changes in policies to adapt to the greater use of forensic evidence. NIJ has identified several...

NIJ FY 13 Research on Teen Dating Violence in Understudied Populations: Postdoctoral Fellowship

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for research related to teen dating violence (also known as adolescent relationship abuse). In particular, NIJ seeks proposals that support postdoctoral fellows to analyze existing data or collect new data on teen dating violence in understudied populations. Research proposed may be focused at the Federal, State, local, tribal, juvenile justice policy and practice levels.

Lone Wolf Terrorism in America

February 2013

Interview with Mark Hamm, Ph.D., Indiana State University

Dr. Hamm is studying lone wolf terrorism in the United States and how such terrorists become radicalized. In this interview, Hamm explains the difference between mass violence and terrorism and discusses the ways in which many lone wolf terrorists use public forums to broadcast their intent to commit terrorist acts.

NIJ FY 13 Firearms and Violence

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for research on firearms and violence such as, but not limited to, the effects of criminal justice interventions on reducing gun violence, improving data systems for studying gun violence, illicit gun markets, and the effects of firearm policies and legislation on public safety.

NIJ FY 13 Research and Evaluation on the Impact of Social Media on Policing

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for research that will explore the impact of the current state of social media technology on police practices and outcomes. Although social media technology is now ubiquitous in our society and particularly within law enforcement agencies, it is unclear how this technology is being used by departments, both officially and unofficially, and how this use has translated into public safety outcomes.

NIJ FY 13 Establishing a National Criminal Justice Technology, Research, and Evaluation Center

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals to establish a Criminal Justice Technology Research, Test, and Evaluation (RT&E) Center within the NIJ-funded NLECTC System. This Center will conduct focused RT&E activities to inform NIJ's non-forensic technology research and development (R&D) efforts. It will also conduct RT&E activities to support NIJ's efforts to inform practitioners, policymakers, and researchers ('the field') regarding technologies or technology-related issues for purposes of improving criminal...