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Research Meetings and Workshops

NIJ learns from the people who work day-to-day with the issues. We sponsor meetings, workshops, and working groups that bring together researchers, policymakers, technologists, and practitioners.

These meetings generate a rich exchange of ideas. They guide future research and help ensure that NIJ's research, development and evaluation activities meet real-world needs.

Review the summaries or transcripts available for many of these meetings:

Criminal Justice Research and Public Policy

Thank you, Dr. Scherpenzeel, for your generous words.

On behalf of the United States delegation, I want to thank the sponsors of the workshop: The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, Affiliated with the United Nations [HEUNI], and especially you, Dr. Scherpenzeel, for your efforts in coordinating it. The UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute [UNICRI], the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands...

Speech to National Corrections Conference on Substance Abuse Testing, Sanctions and Treatment

Framing the National Agenda: a Research and Policy Perspective

I am very pleased and honored to be with you this morning. In fact, I am in awe of the level of expertise and commitment that is represented in this audience. Larry Meachum and his colleagues at the Corrections Program Office are to be commended for gathering together the right people, with the right expertise, at...

Research Informing Policy: What If We Took This Idea Seriously?

I am very honored to be here, and particularly to be asked to address the challenging topic of the relationship between research and policy in the area of criminal justice and drug treatment.

Coming to this conference in Los Angeles, I reflected on the conference that many of us attended in April, 1997, in New Orleans on a similar topic. I distinctly recall that there...

Plenary Presentation to the American Society of Criminology

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased to have this opportunity to speak to you about the important issue of the relationship between research and policy and practice. This is a timely topic, particularly since the American Society of Criminology has chosen as its theme this year "Crime, Justice and Public Policy: Examining Our Past and Envisioning Our Future" and since this conference is being held in...