Performance measures
Screening for Forensically Relevant Drugs Using Data-Independent High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
A Question of Style: Replicating and Extending Engel's Supervisory Styles With New Agencies and New Measures
Equal or Not? Private Versus Public Corrections Services, Programming, and Climate
How Police Officers Perform in Encounters With the Public Measuring What Matters at the Individual Level
Geometric Morphometric Validation Study of Computed Tomography-Extracted Craniofacial Landmarks
Accounting for Covariates in Forensic Error Rate
Application of Artificial Intelligence to Wireless Communications
Investigation Into the Performance of Different Models for Predicting Stutter
Measuring the Impact of Victim Services
Shot-to-Shot Variation in Gunshot Acoustics Experiments
Performance Characteristics of an Operational WiMAX Network
Compstat and the New Penology: A Paradigm Shift in Policing?
Examining the Relative Utility of PBIS Implementation Fidelity Scores in Relation to Student Outcomes
A Multilevel MTMM Approach to Estimating the Influences of Contextual Factors on Trait and Informant-Based Method Effects in Assessments of School Climate
One perpetrator, two perpetrators: The effect of multiple perpetrators on eyewitness identification
Rapid Vapor-Collection Method for Vapor Pressure Measurements of Low-Volatility Compounds
STOP School Violence Initiative Metrics: FY 2020 Report to the Committees on Appropriations
Strengthening the Forensic Sciences
Recidivism Reconsidered: Preserving the Community Justice Mission of Community Corrections
You Get What You Measure: New Performance Indicators Needed to Gauge Progress of Criminal Justice Reform
Building a High-Quality Correctional Workforce: Identifying Challenges and Needs
Preventing Violence and Sexual Assault in Jail: A Situational Crime Prevention Approach
Student Mental Health and Trauma - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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