Peer reviews
Post-Award Requirements for Research, Development, and Evaluation Grants
This page is meant as a guide for applicants and award recipients to what is required of NIJ award recipients after an award is made. Award recipients should consult their specific award conditions for additional information. For questions about how these requirements pertain to your specific award, contact your NIJ grant manager.
Standard Forms
All award recipients must submit quarterly financial reports. See the DOJ...
The Evaluation of NIJ by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences: NIJ's Response
The National Academies conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the National Institute of Justice. This panel provides an overview of the evaluation and NIJ's response to it. NIJ has accepted many of the recommendations in the NRC report, and you will learn what the agency is doing to implement them. A few of the recommendations were challenging and created considerable debate within NIJ. Plans to address these thorny issues also are discussed.
Homicide in the United States
The 2009 NIJ Conference kicked off with a blue-ribbon panel of leaders with expertise in urban issues as they relate to homicide. These experts will discuss promising approaches that have resulted in reduced violence and community empowerment.
International Organized Crime: Recent Developments in Policy and Research
Since 2008, DOJ has been reviewing its policies and programs on international organized crime, with the goal of strengthening law enforcement's response to this threat. In this NIJ Conference Panel, the speakers will explore how DOJ and other U.S. government agencies are responding to it. Attendees will learn more about the Attorney General's Organized Crime Council, the International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center, and the recent National Intelligence Estimate on International Organized Crime.
Special Technical Committees: How They Are Changing NIJ's Standards Development Process
NIJ has established a new standards development process based on Special Technical Committees whose members include practitioners, scientists, researchers, subject matter experts, staff of test laboratories and major criminal justice stakeholder organizations, and representatives knowledgeable in standards development and conformity assessment. The members collaborate to develop the standard and ensure that practitioner needs are addressed.
Making Sense of the DNA Backlog - NIJ Conference Panel
Panelists will present findings from two NIJ studies that examined the DNA backlog in law enforcement agencies and crime labs. Panelists will discuss research findings related to new and potential time- and cost-saving approaches.
Standing Review Panels
The Standing Review Panels represent NIJ's continuing commitment to the scientific integrity at the heart of its mission. Any science agency awarding external research grants must rely on a well-founded peer review process. By adopting Standing Review Panels, NIJ is following a model for peer review that has been extensively tested and is now relied on by most federal science agencies, including the National Institutes...
Research Validity and Integrity
Scientific & Research Integrity Policy
The DOJ Scientific Integrity Policy underscores the validity and objectivity of NIJ’s scientific endeavors.
The Institute provides objective and independent knowledge and tools to enhance safety and promote justice. NIJ follows widely accepted scientific processes and procedures to help ensure the validity and integrity of our research. This page describes:
Grant Application Review Process
All applications received in response to NIJ notices of funding opportunity undergo a three-step review process for funding consideration: (1) basic minimum requirements review; (2) peer review; and (3) review by NIJ staff and director.
Basic Minimum Requirements Review
Upon submission of an application to the JustGrants portal, NIJ screens applications to determine if they meet the basic minimum requirements (BMR) for review. Although...