Money laundering
Some Criminal Investigation Strategy Dilemmas of Combating Economic Crime in Slovenia (From Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of Contemporary Criminal Justice, P 367-371, 2004, Gorazd Mesko, et al., eds. -- See NCJ-207973)
The Internationalization of Criminal Justice
Crime Script Analysis of the Online Stolen Data Market
Law Enforcement Challenges in Hawala-Related Investigations
Causes of Organized Crime: Do Criminals Organize Around Opportunities for Crime or Do Criminal Opportunities Create New Offenders?
Terrorism, Risk, and Legislation
Notes From the Field: Reducing the Need for Victim Testimony in Human Trafficking Cases
International Organized Crime: Recent Developments in Policy and Research
Since 2008, DOJ has been reviewing its policies and programs on international organized crime, with the goal of strengthening law enforcement's response to this threat. In this NIJ Conference Panel, the speakers will explore how DOJ and other U.S. government agencies are responding to it. Attendees will learn more about the Attorney General's Organized Crime Council, the International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center, and the recent National Intelligence Estimate on International Organized Crime.
Terrorism Studies: Finding and Applying the Best Research
In the post-Sept. 11 era, criminal justice and homeland security professionals have been bombarded with a flood of studies on terrorism. Some of the best researchers in the field provide a practical session on evaluating terrorism studies. What should the inquisitive professional look for when presented with different methods? How can professionals publish what they see and engage experts in the field?