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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Intimate partner violence

NIJ FY 13 Exploratory Research on the Impact of the Growing Oil Industry in the Dakotas and Montana on Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals to conduct exploratory, mixed-methods research, employing both quantitative and qualitative data collection, related to the impact (if any) of the oil industry on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking in the Dakotas and Montana. Research proposed may be focused at the Federal, State, local, and/or tribal levels.​

NIJ FY 13 Evaluation of the Office on Violence Against Women's Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Demonstrative Initiative

Closing Date

Note: On Page 5 of this solicitation, under the "Amount and Length of Awards" section, the award amount has been changed from $1 million to $1.9 million. NIJ seeks proposals to evaluate the implementation and outcomes of the Office on Violence Against Women’s (OVW) Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Demonstration Initiative. Proposals submitted under this solicitation should:Detail research options for conducting both a process and outcome...

NIJ FY 13 Research on Teen Dating Violence in Understudied Populations: Postdoctoral Fellowship

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for research related to teen dating violence (also known as adolescent relationship abuse). In particular, NIJ seeks proposals that support postdoctoral fellows to analyze existing data or collect new data on teen dating violence in understudied populations. Research proposed may be focused at the Federal, State, local, tribal, juvenile justice policy and practice levels.

Game Change: How Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships Are Redefining How We Study Crime

June 2012

Opening Plenary Panel
When researchers and practitioners work side by side, they can maximize their problem-solving abilities. The research partner can focus on the data and the science; the practitioner can focus on interpreting the findings and applying them in the field. In the plenary panel, panelists described the benefits, challenges and pitfalls of researcher-practitioner partnerships with a focus on the financial benefits to the practitioner.

Moderator: John H. Laub, Director, National Institute of Justice
