Hate crimes
Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Victim Services
The COVID-19 pandemic had a detrimental impact on communities across the nation and significantly affected various aspects of individuals’ lives. One of the negative impacts was an increase in gender-based violence accompanied by shifting barriers to accessing services and support. Victims and victim service providers faced various challenges dealing with the increase in need for services, navigating barriers to help-seeking, and addressing logistical issues.
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Understanding the Potential for Multidisciplinary Threat Assessment and Management Teams to Prevent Terrorism: Conducting a Formative Evaluation of the MassBay Threat Assessment Team, Executive Summary
Evaluating and Assessing Terrorism Prevention Programs: What Research Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice Tells Us
NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on School Safety
Social Learning and Social Control in the Off- and Online Pathways to Hate Crime and Terrorist Violence
NIJ FY24 Research on School-Based Hate Crimes
NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes
Webinar: NIJ Research Assistantship Program Informational Webinar
This recorded webinar, originally held September 28, 2023, provides information on NIJ’s Research Assistantship Program, which offers highly qualified doctoral students the opportunity to bring their expertise to NIJ to work across offices and program areas to obtain a practical and applied research experience. The program is a research focused professional development opportunity for doctoral students from all academic disciplines. NIJ...
NIJ FY23 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes
Improving Strategies for Investigating & Prosecuting Hate Crimes: A National Yet Local Approach
The Handbook of the Criminology of Terrorism
NIJ FY22 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for rigorous research and evaluation projects that inform efforts to prevent and combat hate crimes and their effects. Though applications may cover a range of topics, NIJ is particularly interested in funding research to: (1) understand and prevent hate crime offending and reoffending, (2) identify strategies that improve the reporting, investigating, and prosecuting of hate crimes, (3) address the...
From Dot Coms to Pipe Bombs: Online Radicalization and Mobilization to Violence
Hate Crimes
Hate crimes (also known as “bias crimes”) are recognized as a distinct category of crimes that have a broader effect that most other kinds of crimes because the victims are not only the crime’s immediate target but also others like them.
On this page, find links to articles, awards, events, publications, and multimedia related to hate crimes.
Hate crime statistics (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
FBI Civil Rights Program combats hate crime by investigating crimes, including cold cases; assisting and training state and local law enforcement; and conducting public outreach.
The Future of Terrorism
How Collaboration Between Researchers and Police Chiefs Can Improve the Quality of Sexual Assault Investigations: A Look at Los Angeles
Panelists discuss the application of research findings from an NIJ-sponsored study of sexual assault attrition to police practice in Los Angeles. There are three main focal points: (1) the mutual benefits of researcher/practitioner partnerships, (2) the implications of variation in police interpretation of UCR guidelines specific to clearing sexual assault (with an emphasis on cases involving nonstrangers), and (3) the content of specialized training that must be required for patrol officers and detectives who respond to and investigate sex crimes.
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NIJ Journal Issue 257, June 2007
Research-based information that can help inform policy decisions and improve understanding of the criminal justice system.
Hate Crime Investigations and Offender Profiles: A National Survey of U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies
NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes
NIJ is seeking research and evaluation related to hate crime perpetration and victimization. The purpose of this solicitation is to support research and evaluation to: 1) understand the motivations and pathways to hate crime offending; 2) determine whether programs targeted at hate crime offenders are effective at reducing reoffending; 3) determine whether programs that work with victims of hate crimes and their communities are effective...