Gang Crime
Mara Salvatrucha: The Deadliest Street Gang in America
Multilevel Evaluation of Project Safe Neighborhoods
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is a DOJ-sponsored initiative to reduce violent crime, particularly gun crime, by fostering cooperation by criminal justice agencies and local partners to develop and implement strategic approaches.
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Improving Understanding of Law Enforcement at Schools - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Project Safe Neighborhoods: Strategic Interventions-Strategic Problem-Solving Responses to Gang Crime and Gang Problems (Case Study 8)
Advancing Understanding, and Informing Prevention of Public Mass Shootings: Findings from NIJ Funded Studies, Part 2
In recent years, NIJ invested in several research projects to advance understanding and inform prevention of public mass shootings.
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Update on Gang Crime and Law Enforcement Recordkeeping: Report of the 1994 NIJ Extended National Assessment Survey of Law Enforcement Anti-Gang Information Resources, Final Report
Criminal Behavior of Gang Members, Final Report
Theories and Fear of Gang Crime Among Whites and Latinos: A Replication and Extension of Prior Research
Estimating the National Scope of Gang Crime From Law Enforcement Data (From Gangs in America, Second Edition, P 21-36, 1996, C Ronald Huff, ed. -- See NCJ-165296)
Socialization to Gangs in St. Louis Project: Background and Executive Summary, Final Report
Criminal Behavior of Gang Members and At-Risk Youths
Street Gang Migration: How Big a Threat?
Using Traffic Barriers to "Design Out" Crime: A Program Evaluation of LADP's Operation Cul-de-Sac
Women's and Men's Fear of Gang Crimes: Sexual and Nonsexual Assault as Perceptually Contemporaneous Offenses
Gangs and Organized Crime Groups: Connections and Similarities
Impact of Police Culture on Traffic Stop Searches: An Analysis of Attitudes and Behavior
Police-Prosecutor Drug Enforcement Teams: Innovations in Three Jurisdictions
Gang Membership as a Turning Point in the Life Course
Combining Theoretical Models of Perceived Risk and Fear of Gang Crime among Whites and Latinos
It's Getting Crazy Out There: Can a Civil Gang Injunction Change a Community
Dangerous Places: Gang Members and Neighborhood Levels of Gun Assault
Functional Family Therapy-Gangs: Adapting an Evidence-Based Program To Reduce Gang Involvement
NIJ FY 11 Research and Evaluation in Crime Control and Prevention: Desistance from Gangs and Gang Related Crime
NIJ is seeking applications to conduct research on selected crime control and prevention topics. This is a directed solicitation that seeks proposals to examine topics relevant to State, local, and/or tribal criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice.
The specific focus area under this solicitation for FY 2011 is desistance from gangs and gang related Crime
Gang Membership Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and NIJ collaborated on a book that focuses on promising principles for gang membership prevention. This NIJ Conference Panel discusses the risk and protective factors that influence gang membership as well as efforts to reduce such factors. Panelists also explored the direction of gang research for the future.