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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Forensic sciences

Becoming a Peer Reviewer for NIJ

NIJ draws reviewers for both its ad hoc and standing review panels from diverse backgrounds and regions who have research knowledge, professional expertise and/or lived experience in across a wide range of justice-relevant areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Crime control and prevention
  • Community-based violence reduction
  • Criminology, law enforcement, or corrections
  • Criminal justice reform
  • Racial and gender equity in the criminal justice system
  • Computer sciences...

NIJ FY 10 Development, Delivery, and Evaluation of Sexual Assault Forensic Training Programs

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking proposals for the development and delivery of sexual assault examination training programs related to the identification, collection, preservation, analysis, and use of DNA evidence with the goal of increasing the availability of educational opportunities provided at no direct cost to medical personnel, victim service providers, forensic science practitioners, and other professionals involved in treating victims of sexual assault. NIJ is also seeking...

NIJ FY 10 National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System: National Center

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for the operation of the National Center of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System, which serves as the system's information clearinghouse and administers NIJ's Compliance Testing Program. The National Center provides a variety of support to NIJ's science and technology activities. NOTE:See Frequently Asked Questions for this solicitation for clarification to some areas of the solicitation.

FY2010 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program

Closing Date

NIJ seeks applications from States and units of local government for funding to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services. Among other things, funds may be used to eliminate a backlog in the analysis of forensic evidence and to train and employ forensic laboratory personnel, as needed, to eliminate such a backlog. States may apply for both "base" (formula) and...

NIJ FY 10 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program

Closing Date
NIJ seeks applications from States and local governments for funding to increase the capacity of their existing crime laboratories that conduct DNA analysis to analyze DNA samples more efficiently and cost effectively. Eligible applicants may also request funds to handle, screen, and analyze backlogged forensic DNA casework samples. This program helps eligible States and local governments reduce forensic DNA sample turnaround time, increase the throughput...

NIJ FY 10 Forensic DNA Unit Efficiency Improvement Program

Closing Date
NIJ seeks applications from States and local governments for funding to identify and facilitate implementation of novel technologies resulting from ongoing research and development projects in the field of forensic DNA as well as in other fields such as molecular biology, genetics, and biotechnology that may improve the capacity and/or efficiency of forensic DNA laboratories. Specifically, this program is designed to fund the incorporation of...

NIJ FY 10 Postconviction DNA Testing Assistance Program

Closing Date

NIJ seeks applications from States wishing to receive funding to help defray the costs associated with postconviction DNA testing of forcible rape, murder, and non-negligent manslaughter cases in which actual innocence might be demonstrated. Funds may be used to review such postconviction cases and to locate and analyze biological evidence associated with these cases.


In fiscal 2020, all state and local forensic capacity enhancement...

NIJ FY 10 ORE Social Science Research in Forensic Science

Closing Date
Forensic science, particularly in the area of DNA, has experienced numerous advances over the past decade. Improvements in science and technology have increased capabilities to use DNA in terms of the amount of evidence needed to obtain DNA, the speed of DNA processing, and the range of crimes DNA can help solve. NIJ seeks to fund research that examines the impact of these forensic advances...

NIJ FY 10 Convicted Offender and-or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program

Closing Date
This program is designed to accelerate the analysis of convicted offender and arrestee DNA samples collected by states. The goal is to provide timely data for the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) for all 13 CODIS core STR loci. NIJ seeks applications from laboratories that want to reduce their backlog through in-house analysis or by sending samples to accredited fee-for-service laboratories for analysis. Eligible applicants...

NIJ FY 10 Using DNA Technology to Identify the Missing

Closing Date
The goal of the Using DNA Technology to Identify the Missing solicitation is threefold: (1) to assist eligible entities in performing DNA analysis on unidentified human remains and/or reference samples to support the efforts of states and units of local government to identify missing persons and (2) to enter the resulting DNA profiles into the FBI's National DNA Index System using the Combined DNA Index...

NIJ FY 10 Fundamental Research to Improve Understanding of the Accuracy, Reliability, and Measurement Validity of Forensic Science Disciplines

Closing Date
This NIJ solicitation extends prior NIJ work to improve the understanding of the accuracy, reliability, and measurement validity of forensic science disciplines. NIJ is interested in research that focuses on expanding the scientific basis of forensic methods, as well as the development of quantifiable measures of the reliability and accuracy of forensic analyses. In the past, NIJ has encouraged applicants to propose new approaches to...

NIJ FY 10 Forensic Technology Center of Excellence

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for the operation of the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence. This Center will conduct testing, evaluation, technology assistance programs and other services related to forensic tools and technologies intended for use by law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies.

NIJ FY 10 ORE Ph.D.Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Closing Date
The NIJ Ph.D. Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program provides awards for research on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited universities that support graduate study leading to research-based doctoral degrees. NIJ invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to successfully complete doctoral degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of NIJ. Applicants sponsoring doctoral students...