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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Forensic sciences

Data from the DNA Capacity Enhancement and Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Grant Program

The goal of NIJ's DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) program is to assist States and units of local government with existing crime laboratories to increase the capacity of publicly funded forensic DNA and DNA database laboratories to process more DNA samples, thereby helping to reduce the number of forensic DNA and DNA database samples awaiting analysis and/or prevent a backlog of forensic and...

Just Science: DNA: Just Genetic Variation

Date Published
September 2019
Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance), Report (Grant Sponsored), Interview, Instructional Material (Programmed)

NIJ Journal Issue No. 281

Date Published
Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance), Program/Project Description, Instructional Material

Just Science: Just Six Sigma and Your Lab

Date Published
October 2019
Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance), Report (Grant Sponsored), Interview, Instructional Material (Programmed)

Notes From the Field

Those working in the criminal justice system should always use research and evidence to inform their policies, practices, and work. However, leaders often need to make decisions based on limited information and under unpredictable or even volatile circumstances. Sometimes there simply isn’t research available yet to help inform decisions on emerging issues.

Notes From the Field is not a research-based publication. Instead, it presents lessons...