FBI Subaward to the NIST project "Identifying Class and Individual Characteristics of Printer Marks on Additively Manufactured Firearm Components"
Identifying Class and Individual Characteristics of Printer Marks on Additively Manufactured Firearm Components
Evaluation of the Chattanooga United to Reduce Violence (CURV) Initiative
A Focused Deterrence Program for Juveniles with Firearm Offenses: a Randomized Controlled Trial and Process Evaluation
Intelligence-Led Policing in New Jersey: Data Integration to Support the Investigation of Gun Crimes
A Study of a Statewide Safe Firearms Storage Message Campaign in Texas Schools
Development of double casts for the validation of three-dimensional imaging systems for firearm forensics
Mass Shooter Leakage and Threats: A Multifaceted Assessment of Motives, Timing, Digital Behavior, and Opportunities for Attack Prevention
Virtual Workshop Series: 3D Firearm Imaging
Impression Session: Firearms and Toolmarks
NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on Drugs and Crime: Money Laundering, Firearms, and Human Trafficking
Mass Shooting Database
FBI subaward to NIST project GOJPNIJ24000016 "Comparison of Examiner Conclusions with Score-based Likelihood Ratios for Cartridge Case Evidence
Comparison of Examiner Conclusions with Score-based Likelihood Ratios for Cartridge Case Evidence
The Increased Value of Forensic Science to Lead Gun Crime Investigations Part II
The Increased Value of Forensic Science to Lead Gun Crime Investigations Part I
Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor, NIJ Standard 0101.07
Body Armor Manufacturer Workshop
NIJ will hold an online workshop for body armor manufacturers on March 30, 2025 from 1-3pm ET, to provide updates on its standards and conformity assessment activities related to ballistic-resistant body armor.
Read the Federal Register announcement to learn more about this workshop and how to attend.
NIJ has released an addendum to the standard. The...
Specification for NIJ Ballistic Protection Levels and Associated Test Threats, NIJ Standard 0123.00
NIJ has released an addendum to the standard. The addendum is available in two versions, each includes the same information:
- Addendum showing changes in red and strikeout text.
- Addendum showing changes in highlighted and strikeout text (this version is fully accessible to users with disabilities).
This addendum includes revisions to NIJ Standard 0123.00, Specification for NIJ Ballistic Protection Levels and...
A Micro-and Macro Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Extreme Risk Protection Orders in Colorado
A Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Impacts and Implementation of Florida's Risk Protection Order (RPO) Law, 2018-2023
An Examination of the Law Enforcement Role in Implementing Extreme Risk Protection Orders
Evaluation of a Healing-Centered Community-Wide Approach to Addressing Firearm Violence in New Orleans
Exploring how survivor perspectives and priorities are reflected in the use and implementation of Extreme Risk Protective Orders to address intimate partner violence
NIJ FY 2022 Invited to Apply - Investigator-Initiated Research and Evaluation on Firearm Violence
NIJ seeks applications for funding for research and program evaluation projects that inform efforts to prevent and reduce intentional, interpersonal firearm violence in the United States.