Face recognition technology
NIJ FY 2023 Invited to Apply - Support Activities under Section 13(d) of Executive Order 14074
NIJ seeks applications for funding to study law enforcement use of probabilistic genotyping, forensic DNA phenotyping, and forensic investigative genetic genealogy technologies and law enforcement use of person-based predictive policing approaches as directed by Section 13(d) in Executive Order 14074 “Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety.” T
Support Activities under Section 13(d) of Executive Order 14074: Workshops on Law Enforcement Use of Probabilistic DNA Technologies and Person-based Predictive Policing
Framework for biometric match score fusion using statistical and belief models
Integrating Image Quality in 2ν-SVM Biometric Match Score Fusion
Feature based RDWT watermarking for multimodal biometric system
Robust Biometric Image Watermarking for Fingerprint and Face Template Protection
Improving biometric identification through quality-based face and fingerprint biometric fusion
Profile face detection: a subset multi-biometric approach
Algorithms that Mimic the Brain's Processing Networks Show Promise For Producing Superior Face Detection and Recognition Technology
Facial Marks as Biometric Signatures to Distinguish between Identical Twins
Face matching and retrieval using soft biometrics
3D facial phenotyping by biometric sibling matching used in contemporary genomic methodologies
Accounting for Covariates in Forensic Error Rate Assessment and Evidence Interpretation
Improving Verification Accuracy by Synthesis of Locally Enhanced Biometric Images and Deformable Model
Testing Technology: From the Lab to the Field With Facial Recognition
Biometrics: Applying an Emerging Technology to Jails
Lessons From Collecting a Million Biometric Samples
History of NIJ Support for Face Recognition Technology
Algorithms that Mimic the Brain’s Processing Networks Preferred for Some Functions of Face Detection and Recognition Technology
Recently completed research supported by NIJ, closely comparing different types of facial analysis algorithms — including a long-time law enforcement workhorse — reveals that high-powered, deep neural networks can deliver improved performance.