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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


NIJ FY09 Predictive Policing Analytic and Evaluation Research Support

Closing Date
NIJ's Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) is requesting proposals to provide analytic and evaluation support, as well as independent evaluation services to applicants selected for funding in the planning phase of the OST Predictive Policing program. Predictive policing includes strategies and tactics that improve the situational awareness of law enforcement concerning individuals or locations before criminal activity occurs. In a separate solicitation entitled, "Predictive...

NIJ FY09 Predictive Policing Demonstration and Evaluation Program

Closing Date

Predictive policing includes strategies and tactics that improve the situational awareness of law enforcement concerning individuals or locations before criminal activity occurs. NIJ seeks qualified applicants to develop and demonstrate predictive policing models that can be subjected to rigorous evaluation for criminal justice outcomes and impacts. Through a companion solicitation, NIJ will seek qualified applicants to act as an independent, multisite program evaluator for this...

Recovery Act: Research and Evaluation of Recovery Act State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications to establish a Criminal Justice Technology Center of Excellence for Information and Sensor Systems within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System (the "NLECTC System"). The Information and Sensor Systems Center will provide testing, evaluation, technology assistance, and other services with regard to information and sensor technologies intended for use by law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies.See FAQs...

Recovery Act: Evaluation of Internet Child Safety Materials Used by ICAC Task Forces in School and Community Settings

Closing Date

NIJ seeks to fund an evaluation of internet child safety materials used by Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces that receive funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) under the Recovery Act. Specifically, the successful grantee will conduct a multisite evaluation of internet child safety materials used by ICAC task forces in school and community settings to examine the effectiveness...

NIJ FY09 Research and Evaluation on Sexual and Teen Dating Violence

Closing Date
NIJ seeks applications for funding research to help increase women's safety and improve the justice system and related responses to sexual violence and teen dating violence. Research is sought on the criminal justice system's response to sexual violence; the extent of the problem of teen dating violence and characteristics of abusive teen relationships; and the evaluation of teen dating violence programs, policies, and legislation. Applications...

NIJ FY 09 ORE Research and Evaluation on the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Elderly Individuals and Residents of Residential Care Facilities

Closing Date
NIJ is soliciting proposals for research and evaluation in the areas of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals over the age of 60 (elderly), including individuals who reside either in the community or in residential care facilities. For the purpose of this solicitation, the term "abuse" includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, abandonment and isolation, neglect, or financial or fiduciary abuse. The term "residential...