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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


NIJ FY 10 Development, Delivery, and Evaluation of Sexual Assault Forensic Training Programs

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking proposals for the development and delivery of sexual assault examination training programs related to the identification, collection, preservation, analysis, and use of DNA evidence with the goal of increasing the availability of educational opportunities provided at no direct cost to medical personnel, victim service providers, forensic science practitioners, and other professionals involved in treating victims of sexual assault. NIJ is also seeking...

NIJ FY 10 ORE Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Demonstration Field Experiment Sites: A Test of What Works in Reentry Research

Closing Date
As part of a collaborative effort with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to implement and rigorously test important criminal justice interventions and programs, NIJ seeks proposals to support a randomized controlled trial program evaluation as part of a multi-site Demonstration Field Experiment (DFE) on prisoner reentry. The rigorous multi-site DFE is part of NIJ's reentry evaluation activities supported with funding under the Second Chance...

NIJ FY 10 ORE Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Second Chance Act: FY2010 State, Tribal, and Local Reentry Courts Program

Closing Date
NIJ seeks applications for a multi-site process and outcome evaluation of the State, Tribal, and Local Reentry Courts Program to be funded by BJA in FY2010 under the Second Chance Act of 2007 (SCA). The SCA supports a comprehensive response to the increasing number of people who are released from jail and prison into communities and the subsequent challenges communities face as offenders attempt to...

NIJ FY 10 ORE Evaluation of National Institute of Corrections Evidence-Based Decision Making Framework for Local Criminal Justice Systems

Closing Date
NIJ seeks applications for an evaluation of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) evidence-based decision making framework for local criminal justice systems. The primary objective of the evaluation will be to assess the connections between evidence-based court decisions and supervision options that break the cycle of criminal recidivism, protect the public, and assist offenders reentering the community from incarceration.

NIJ FY 10 ORE Evaluation of Programs to Reduce Gang Membership, Crime and Violence

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking proposals to conduct process and outcome evaluations on programs aimed at reducing gang membership and gang-related crime and violence for both adults and juveniles. Since 2000, there has been a steady increase in gang membership and in gang-related crime and violence (Dinkes, Cataldi, Kena et al., 2006). Faced with increasingly limited resources, many communities are struggling to address this problem. Although there...

NIJ FY 10 ORE Recovery Act: Evaluation of Recovery Act State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program

Closing Date
The Recovery Act provides funding for various competitive grant programs that are being administered by OJP. NIJ seeks applications that promote the goals of the Recovery Act through evaluations that support the purposes of three OJP Recovery Act competitive grant programs. Targeted areas include: (1) Programs that increase the capacity of State and local criminal justice systems in some of the areas identified in the...

NIJ FY 10 ORE Research and Evaluation on VAW: Sexual Violence, Teen Dating Violence and Stalking

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications for funding related to research and evaluation on violence against women specifically projects on sexual violence, stalking, and teen dating violence. Proposed research should help increase women's safety and improve the justice system and related responses to sexual violence, stalking, and teen dating violence. Research is sought on the criminal justice system's response to sexual violence and stalking; the extent of...