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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


Evaluation of the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Program

Closing Date

In collaboration with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), NIJ is seeking competitive applications for a cooperative agreement to support research on the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Program. The purpose of this solicitation is to inform the program's place-based and community-oriented efforts to reduce violent and serious crime as part of the Administration's comprehensive strategy to advance neighborhood revitalization. In partnership with researchers and...

Research and Evaluation on Identity Theft and Services to Victims of Identity Theft

Closing Date

This solicitation seeks to build knowledge and evidence related to strategies, practices, and programs that serve victims of identity theft. The overall purpose of these services is to help victims minimize the damage, restore the security of their accounts and personal information, and recover from the experience. This funding will support research and evaluation projects that build knowledge about the consequences of identity theft and...

Research and Evaluation on Victims of Crime

Closing Date

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has a longstanding history of collaborating with and supporting the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) on research, evaluation, and programmatic projects. Over the years, the shared priorities of OVC and NIJ have resulted in a number of collective projects, workshops, and research. In 2013, OVC began Vision 21: Transforming Victim Services which called for the development of research...

Investigator-Initiated Research and Evaluation on Firearms Violence

Closing Date

NIJ seeks investigator-initiated applications for funding for research and evaluation related to reducing firearms violence and understanding the causes and effects of firearms violence. This solicitation aims to strengthen our knowledge base and improve public safety by producing findings with practical implications for reducing firearms violence. This solicitation is focused specifically on producing research related to intentional, interpersonal firearms violence. NIJ is particularly interested in...

Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in Persons

Closing Date

This solicitation seeks applications for funding for research and evaluation projects that will address the knowledge gaps related to trafficking in persons, with clear implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States. NIJ has been funding research on trafficking in persons for well over a decade, and particularly appreciates proposals mindfully developed to build off of and compliant existing research investments. NIJ's...

Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism: Prevention and Intervention Demonstration Programs

Closing Date

The goal of this research program is to provide a more comprehensive and extensive understanding of domestic radicalization as it occurs in the United States, and to provide State, local and tribal criminal justice agencies evidence-based tools to address it. The primary objective of this solicitation is to produce research studies that improve this understanding by filling gaps in the existing research or expanding on...

Community Corrections: Technology Research, Development and Evaluation to Improve Supervision and Outcomes

Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for funding for research, development, and/or evaluation projects to explore the ability of mobile device technologies to help enable adult correctional systems more effectively supervise increased numbers of persons under community supervision. Related to this, NIJ is also interested in exploring the potential of mobile device-based solutions to provide an improved means to locate and track offenders under community...

Research and Evaluation in Support of the Recommendations of the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research on policing to improve policing practices and public safety at the State, local, and tribal levels. In 2015, a task force was created by President Barack Obama to examine the current state of policing in the United States. In response to a number of high profile events across the nation involving the police, the panel provided recommendations on promising...

Research and Evaluation on Drugs and Crime

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking investigator-initiated proposals to conduct research that examines criminal justice tools, protocols, and policies concerning drug trafficking, markets and use, and the effects of drug legalization and decriminalization on law enforcement, applicable to State, tribal and local jurisdictions. Proposals must address one of two criminal justice activities: drug intelligence and community surveillance, or criminal investigation and prosecution. In addition, NIJ has identified three...

Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories

Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation projects that will: 1. Identify and inform the forensic community of best practices through the evaluation of existing laboratory protocols; and 2. Have a direct and immediate impact on laboratory efficiency and assist in making laboratory policy decisions. The intent of this program is to direct the findings of the research and evaluation toward the...