Elder abuse
[MOCK UP] NIJ FY24 Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults
NIJ FY24 Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults
NIJ FY23 Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults
Fatal and Non-Fatal Intimate Partner and Family Violence Against Older Women: An Exploration of Age and Police Response to Inform Research, Policy and Practice
Pathways to Safety: An Examination of Federal and State-Level Barriers and Facilitators to Elder Abuse Reporting and Response
A Skeletal Atlas of Elder Abuse: Establishing Markers of Physical Abuse and Developing a Digital Diagnostic Tool for Education and Screening
Piloting a Comprehensive Caregiver Intervention: A Pathway to Preventing Elder Mistreatment
Evaluability Assessment of the Weinberg Center for Elder Justice's Elder Abuse Shelter Services
Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Elderly Individuals, Fiscal Year 2020
Financial Exploitation Intervention Team Evaluability Assessment
Prevention of Financial Abuse Among Elders Affected by Cognitive Decline: A Randomized Controlled Trial In Three Rural Communities
Cradle to Cane: Investigation of Crimes Against Vulnerable Victims
Mass Marketing Elder Fraud Intervention
Using Physician Behavioral Big Data for High Precision Fraud Prediction and Detections
Investigating Sexual Assault of Elder Victims
Elder Abuse Prevention Demonstration Project:Planning Phase
Developing a Taxonomy To Understand and Measure Outcomes of Success in Community-Based Elder Mistreatment Interventions
Defining Late-Life Poly-victimization and Identifying Associated Mental and Physical Health Symptoms
Optimizing Bone Loss Across the Lifespan: The Three-Dimensional Structure of Porosity in the Human Femoral Neck and Rib As a Metric of Bone Fragility
NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on the Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Elderly Individuals
NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation on the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly individuals. NIJ is interested in research that either helps to define and operationalize polyvictimization among elderly individuals or to identify successful outcomes in elder abuse intervention research. These are two areas that have been identified as gaps for a number of years in the field.