DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
2010 Solving Cold Cases With DNA
Solving Cold Cases With DNA
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
FY2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program - Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation
FY2010 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program-Miami-Dade Police Department
Boston Police Department FY10 DNA Backlog Reduction Program
FY 2010 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program - St. lucie County Sheriff Office (Indian River Crime Laboratory).
FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program - Maryland State Police
Milwaukee Police Department Enhanced Cold Case Investigations
FY 2010 Forensic DNA Unit Efficiency Improvement Program
BCoPD FY2010 Solving Cold Cases With DNA Project
Identifying the Missing in Virginia 2010
FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program - Arizona Department of Public Safety
Solving Cold Cases with DNA
FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program - Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Blended Learning Mixes Methods
Making Sense of DNA Backlogs - Myths vs. Reality
NIJ addresses the challenge of keeping up with an increasing volume of evidence.
Clean Techniques for Handling Evidence
Innovation in DNA Analysis
2007 DNA Evidence and Offender Analysis Measurement: DNA Backlogs, Capacity and Funding
DNA — A Prosecutor's Practice Notebook
Becoming a Peer Reviewer for NIJ
NIJ draws reviewers for both its ad hoc and standing review panels from diverse backgrounds and regions who have research knowledge, professional expertise and/or lived experience in across a wide range of justice-relevant areas, including, but not limited to:
- Crime control and prevention
- Community-based violence reduction
- Criminology, law enforcement, or corrections
- Criminal justice reform
- Racial and gender equity in the criminal justice system
- Computer sciences...