DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
FY11 DNA Backlog Reduction Program - State of New Jersey, Department of Law & Public Safety
FY 2011 DNA Backlog Reduction Program - St. Lucie County Sheriff Office (Indian River Crime Laboratory).
Increasing Efficiency of Forensic DNA Casework Using Lean Six Sigma Tools
Evaluation of Three Parameters for Assessing DNA Quantitation
Improved Analysis of DNA Short Tandem Repeats with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Final Report
Streamlining the DNA Process through Implementation of Automation and Information Technologies
Forensic DNA Education for Law Enforcement Decisionmakers
Development of an Integrated Workflow from Laboratory Processing to Report Generation for mtDNA Haplotype Analysis
Evidence Retention Policies in U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies: Implications for Unsolved Cases and Postconviction DNA Testing
Center Offers Death Investigation Training
NIJ FY 11 DNA Backlog Reduction Program
NIJ is seeking applications for funding for the FY 2011 DNA Backlog Reduction program. This solicitation combines the DNA Backlog Reduction and the Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction programs offered as separate programs in the past into a single program. This program furthers the Department's mission by offering an opportunity for States and units of local government with existing crime laboratories that conduct...
DNA Backlog Program Awards
In fiscal year 2020, all state and local forensic capacity enhancement programs previously administered by NIJ, including most of the programs listed on this page, moved to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).
The table below provides links to award information and abstracts for the DNA backlog reduction programs funded by NIJ.
Note: Data are currently only available from 2008 to present.
See also an overview...
Comparing the Effectiveness of Varying the Amount of Manual Buffer Washes to Use of the QIAcube™ When Performing the QIAGEN MinElute® Post-PCR Clean Up
PowerPlex® 16 HS Amplification Kit - Technology Evaluation
BioTx Innovac II Vacuum Device - Technology Evaluation
Evaluation of Eight Commercially Available STR Kits - Technology Evaluation
Evaluation of Applied Biosystems' AmpF STR® Identifiler® Plus Amplification Kit - Technology Evaluation
Genebench FX™-100 - Technology Evaluation
Effects of using the QIAGEN MinElute® PCR Purification Kit on Eight Commercially Available STR Kits - Technology Evaluation
Action Research to Enhance Investigations and Prosecutions of Sexual Assaults in Houston
The Detroit Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Action Research Project
NIJ FY 11 Post Conviction DNA Testing Assistance Program
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals from States wishing to receive funding to help defray the costs associated with postconviction DNA testing in cases that involve violent felony offenses (as defined by State law) in which actual innocence might be demonstrated. Funds may be used to review such postconviction cases and to locate and analyze biological evidence associated with these cases.
In fiscal 2020...