Descriptive Analysis
Prevalence and Determinants of Safety Equipment Use: Analysis from a National Dataset of Law Enforcement Officers in the US
Expanding Mental Health Diversion Opportunities: A Prospective Evaluation of the Los Angeles County Intake Booking Diversion Program
Prison Contraband: Prevalence, Impacts, and Interdiction Strategies
Assessing Police Performance in Citizen Encounters: Police Legitimacy and Management Accountability
Tribal Crime, Justice, and Safety (Part 2)
Stacy Lee Reynolds and Christine (Tina) Crossland continue their discussion of tribal crime, justice, and safety, including how Native American persons experience crime victimization at higher rates than non-Native people and the jurisdictional complexities in responding to tribal crime, justice, and safety. Read the transcript.
Listen to the first half of Stacy and Tina’s discussion.
Day Reporting Center Clients Compared to Standard Probation Clients in Franklin County, PA, Final Report
Suspicious Preoperational Activities and Law Enforcement Interdiction of Terrorist Plots
Law Enforcement Activities of Philadelphia's Group Violence Intervention: An Examination of Arrest, Case Processing, and Probation Levers
Multi-Component Efforts to Improve School Safety - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Heroin Use Among Southern Arrestees: Regional Findings From the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program
Vermont Incident-Based Crime Analysis: Developing Research Capabilities for Problem-Oriented Policing, Final Report
Critical Analysis of Police Interview Techniques
A Formative Evaluation and Evaluability Assessment of a Juvenile Corrections Executive Leadership Training
Partnering to Enhance Services for Survivors: An Evaluability Assessment and Formative Evaluation of Safe Horizon's Anti-Trafficking Program
The Mobilization Puzzle: How Individual, Group, and Situational Dynamics Produce Extremist Outcomes
A Descriptive Analysis of Missing and Murdered Native Women and Children in Nebraska, Barriers to Reporting and Investigation, and Recommendations for Improving Access to Justice
Forensic Aspects of Elder Abuse
This NIJ Conference Panel will feature the latest research on forensic aspects of elder abuse detection and prosecution. Panelists will discuss results from a recently completed study that examined the characteristics of pressure sores on elders who received quality care, emphasizing how this research informs the field about the warning signs of potential neglect. Panelists will also present findings from a study on how well elderly individuals with mild or moderate dementia remember emotional events.