Crime in schools
Evaluation of a Community-focused Violence Intervention and Prevention Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics: Survey of Law Enforcement in Public Schools - Roundtable Discussion, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video presents a roundtable discussion from that conference.
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Overcoming School Safety Intervention Implementation Challenges - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Physical Safety and Preparedness - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Advancing Understanding, and Informing Prevention of Public Mass Shootings: Findings from NIJ Funded Studies, Part 2
In recent years, NIJ invested in several research projects to advance understanding and inform prevention of public mass shootings.
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Benefit-Cost Analysis for Crime Policy
How do we decide how to allocate criminal justice resources in a way that minimizes the social harms from both crime and policy efforts to control crime? How, for that matter, do we decide how much to spend on the criminal justice system and crime control generally, versus other pressing needs? These questions are at the heart of benefit-cost analysis.
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Gang Membership Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and NIJ collaborated on a book that focuses on promising principles for gang membership prevention. This NIJ Conference Panel discusses the risk and protective factors that influence gang membership as well as efforts to reduce such factors. Panelists also explored the direction of gang research for the future.
School Safety
For nearly 25 years, NIJ has funded a wide variety of research and evaluation projects to increase knowledge about what works to keep K-12 students safe and identify the root causes and consequences of school violence.
On this page, you will find links to articles, awards, events, publications, and multimedia related to school safety.
What Works in Reentry
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Find School Safety Programs on CrimeSolutions
Dr. Gerstenblith also addresses the lack of strong evaluations of school safety programs that schools are implementing and invested in; and the opportunity that presents for the research community.
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Examining the School and Community Contexts that Contribute to the Root Causes and Prevention of School Violence in Rural, Urban, and Large County School Districts in California. - Category 4
The Consequences of School Violence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
An Investigation of School Resource and Safety Programs Policy and Practice in Virginia
The Influence of Subjective and Objective Rural School Security on Law Enforcement Engagement Models: A Mixed Methods Study
Effective Methods To Assess Exposure To Violence And Victimization Among American Indian And Alaska Native Youth: Phases 3 and 4
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: Findings from a National Survey
This seminar provides the first set of estimates from a national large-scale survey of violence against women and men who identified themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native using detailed behaviorally specific questions on psychological aggression, coercive control and entrapment, physical violence, stalking, and sexual violence. These results are expected to raise awareness and understanding of violence experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native people.
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